As a PvPer that hates what hardened Empyrion PvP designs have become I’d like to share some of my PvP inspired designs. These are not new and most are brutally combat tested here on HWS. These are not perfect as they are for PvP but with some ingenuity can be a winning edge and with some teamwork and knowing their strengths and weaknesses you can win and likely will far more often. They are all class 1, but check block count as some are now to big with the server changes in 8.0. These are here to help PvEers offer a better challenge and give them a chance. Feel free to share or use these with others as I believe the game is better when we are all at a closer competitive level. If you mod any of them and want to publish it all I ask is a link to it as I love to see others designs. Sheet me a message on Steam if you have questions about any or need some advice. I am not here to make perfect PvP designs, but I want you to give the PvPers a run for their money and not have us all piloting bricks.
I hope this helps some of you and any feedback is appreciated as updating them all to 8.0 I may have missed a thing or three