Repair Base eating Xeno

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> My repair base is disappearing Xeno Substrate. Trying to repair a CV, wait for repair data, input necessary resources, everything is fine but the Xeno disappears…goes back down to 1XXX/65,000 necessary. Have already lost about 200,000 Xeno substrate to this bug.

Player(s) with issue:
=> HoboTruth

=> NA

Time (cb:time):

=> SafeSpace

Structure Name(s):
=> Repair_Stick

Structure ID(s):
=> 25834455

How can we help you now:
=> Getting some Xeno back would be cool

Hey, sorry but we have no control or data over the repair Bay.
Please try to make it reproducible and report it to Eleon

waiting on Xeno blocks deconstructing right now…then gonna try to reproduce it with a video

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@RexXxuS Just reproduced it and lost another 65,000 Xeno substrate. Ill report to Eleon and try to link a video here. Til then I guess i cant repair CVs :confused:

Don’t ya miss repairing the old fashioned way? Before the repair to template?

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i love that last sentence. i think Rodney King said the same thing…

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Bug persists in Alpha 11 even with a new repair bay spawned.

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