======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======
What happened: Can’t play, Always server connection lost, I put in the ocd stuff and before I clicked “done” All my stuff inside the box disapeared!! And didn’t in my inventory, so I lost a lot of ores and stuff… more, the server connexion lost ( more than 15) caused a lot of problems on Lav (was kick out my vessels when login with creepers and other nightmares around meetc…) but worse, I can’t landing on Penthouse West planet because again server connection lost and I was kick out my cv (broken leg) and now my cv is in a lake, impossible to go inside… I can’t craft a sv to reach my cv because restriction of 1 cv and 1 sv and hv… Just tell me how sending you the log…
Player(s) with issue: Vegas
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): many times… begin at approx 3:00 am to close 6:00 server time
Playfield: Lav & Penthouse West
**Structure Name(s):**Odin
Structure ID(s): 1928480 Position 570 35 -571
How can we help you now: (1)Check if possible if I lost all my things inside the " ocd:put " box… (2) Spawn my CV on my landing pad at my penthouse… TY