Small things to improve (for admins)

Just a few things I noticed…

  1. there are (Again) no cv landing warnings in orbit around ECC (where you are alowed to land with CV), can confuse new players.
  2. if you CSW you may end up with depleted O2 levels on the other server (around 5 units left in your suit). Happens fairly often, but not always.
  3. There are way to many server messages. Some are not adding any value (e.g. CSW msgs), maybe tune down on the other ones. If I get too many msgs I tend to no longer read them… and they clog up the msg area.

Ups, removed them. Done.

That is a game bug we (@Jascha) are looking into them

Yeah I know. It was needed for our “Beginner” campaign (like the newsletter) and it really helped a lot regarding website visitor numbers. But I will move them to cb:help the next days.

Is there a way to have them only broadcast on the starter planets?
