Hi, i’m working on a big scenario and got a question to your skilled team.
I’m not professional when it comes to scripting etc, but i learned a lot over the last years. Not long ago i stumbleled upon the admin helper tool and discovered some of its features, like manupilating bank account or adding a ready bp to factory.
And this are exactly the functions i’m interested in.
I’m searching for a way to sell ships by quest, but i’m missing the commands to do that.
I want to:
- check for origin to offer different collections
- check bank account
- remove money from account
- add a ready to spawn blueprint to factory (if possible from the scenario prefabs folder)
- design it unlimited repeatable for small vessels and limited repeateble for capital
I hope someone can help me with that, i can almost see it and got the feeling it might be the right way to do that.