Start on planet > leave > coming at a new planet > owned by players > death > can't get access to ship

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
So, finally took off from the Cryo A1 with a friend, we search for a new home, but after two jumps, almost next to Mars X (or the planet just aside), we get teleported to somewhere in the sector. Stuck in the ship at start, after quite a few time I get out, try to get back in : Seat is occupied. I’ve tried several times, but beside spawning at 250m average of the ship, and dying reaching it, seat is still occupied. So I try removing cabin, and putting back in : almost die before and seat is occupied > dead. Same for my friend BTW.
So, my friend gave up and restarted on starter planet, where we left a few ressources, but I won’t.
Player(s) with issue: Write here
KrashDown and me (McFumble_Baast_FROG)
Server: Write here
Time (cb:time): Write here
~02:40-02:53 AM GMT+1
Playfield: Write here
Around the planet aside Mars X
Structure Name(s): Write here
Structure ID(s): Write here
How can we help you now: Write here
How can you help me ?

Update : Finally got in by moving the cabin ! but diead after 5s while in it… Bugged as hell heh ?

Had the same problem once - writing “detach” in console worked for me :slight_smile:

also, you can make another seat and multi-tool the current seat may also help as well as relogin

How ? cb:detach still kills me by frost in cabin :confused: Or is it something else ?
I’ve removed passenger seat, moved cabin, can get in, but die in it anyway after a few seconds

It takes time for your body temperature to rise back up after you get too cold. It’s not an instant thing.

Oh, yup, had to drink 10 bottles of wine and use 2 large heal x) Now, i’m just lost in space as it was my friend who had the pentaxid on him x)

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