Stuck in Maloliabeth

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> Went to Maloliabeth to delete CV, got stuck, system is broken. Can’t get out, get ships back or delete ships, approaching CV limit.

Player(s) with issue:

=> EU

Time (cb:time):
=> no idea

=> Maloliabeth

Structure Name(s):
=> Capital Vessel (CV) x2, TunnelRat x2, Beam me up Federation

Structure ID(s):
=> 98111, 22013, 400429, 2788769, 2832158

How can we help you now:
=> I need my CV(sun back, 2788769) and all SVs(98111, 22013, 2832158) moved out of Maloliabeth. My character also needs to be moved out of Maloliabeth.
The CV(sun right, 400429) needs deleted. Thanks.


warped you all to a base I found and removed the old ships from the list.

@RexXxuS (Broken Playfield)

Found the reason and fixed it for next time. But sent it to Eleon for investigation.
TL;DR: It’s yet again an Alpha 12 feature

Thanks, yeah that was a weird situation. You warp into total darkness and see trails around your ship, can move, put things into OCD and access the ship, but can’t move it, delete it or take components off. I even tried to ‘destroyme’ and it said I died and I heard the scream but nothing happened. lol strange. Thanks for moving my stuff.

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