Taken Ship in NA when I was off-line

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Ship confiscated
Player(s) with issue: Dexter168
Server: NA
Time (cb:time): with in the last 12 hrs
Playfield: peacekeeper west
Structure Name(s): Persephone
Structure ID(s): #13633190
How can we help you now: Went to work 12 hrs ago and there were only 2 Faction CV’s in PKW. Just logged in after workand it was taken by HWS. Please return, I’ll pay any penalty but as of right now there is only 1 faction CV in PKW

Ok as a faction you were overlimit so a random ship was seized. Blocks x Devices to return it, in your case CR737,583

Ship Returned, account debited. Thank you for your Business :slight_smile: