Triton Outdate PVE Readward

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> The Guide its outdate. And i read the Triton PVE readward. So my faction decide spawn a class 5 BA on Triton. Some time later, we dont see any attack. And rechecking the webside. I see the Triton planet its wrong. And the PVE readward its on Protoz. And now. We dont have resource to spawn another. Because i waste the money to buy 55k Watercontainers and 55 stone dust to build it. And all the day.

Player(s) with issue:
=> Ulgrim

=> EU

Time (cb:time):
=> 0:clock1230:

=> Triton

Structure Name(s):
=> Triton BT.

Structure ID(s):
=> 13594528

How can we help you now:
=> Please move our faction base to Protoz.

Welcome to HWS @TUTIVF93

Sorry I can’t do this. It would imply too many things that go wrong (structural integrity etc.)
Just use egs recycle.

Regarding outdated guide
Please read the reference

You can tell me though where you read it, so I can update it

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The outdate reference its on main page of guide. HWS Universe / Triton Planet. Thanks for the help. We remove the base and move to the correct planet. :slight_smile:

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I think this is the reason @RexXxuS.
Triton Planet still has a guide entry of it’s own, here.

Perhaps removing that whole entry from the guide will clear the confusion.
This entry below does list the correct planets but because Triton still has it’s own entry it’s confusing.

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Ah I see, thanks!
Right I remember. I wanted to update the Guide and then started to work on HWS 12 already, realizing I need to change again a lot of it, so I skipped / forgot.
Will do for now :+1:

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