Unable to place CV drills or factory build CVs with drills

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

**[color=d0901d]What happened:[/color]**
=> All of my CV blueprints with drill modules show up as orange/unbuildable in the library. I removed the drills in creative mode and the blueprint became buildable. The same blueprint was buildable on a different server, so this appears to be a server issue. Also, I built drills in a constructor, and when I placed one on the ship, it showed as blue (placeable) but when I clicked to place it it just vanished - it was no longer in my toolbelt but it was not attached to the ship and did not appear in the ship devices menu either. 

Not sure if this has anything to do with being on the starter planet, but I did try it again in orbit with the same result.

**[color=d0901d]Player(s) with issue:[/color]**
=> Loki

=> NA

**[color=d0901d]Time (cb:time):[/color]**
=> Around 7-8 p.m. Central US time December 18.

=> Freelancer-Cryo-X

**[color=d0901d]Structure Name(s):[/color]**
=> Various different blueprints, the CV I actually built and tried to place drills on is called Light Transport CV and is set to faction Browncoats

**[color=d0901d]Structure ID(s):[/color]**

**[color=d0901d]How can we help you now:[/color]**
=> Please check to see if CV drill modules are disallowed globally or just let me know if this is an issue with being on the starter planet. I don't really need anything to be restored in the game.



sounds strange… @Jascha wil take a look as soon as he wakes up from the dead =) (they will look into it)


hm sounds strange. Maybe @RexXxuS knows something about possible restrictions.

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sry. should be fixed now.

It works fine now, thanks!

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