Unable to reach CV in low orbit - ECC

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

I parked my CV in low orbit (a couple of meters above atmo) around ECC, EU server. When getting out of the cockpit my character fell into the atmosphere, leaving the cv behind. I am unable to approach the orbiting CV to move/remove it as I continuously re-enter prior to reaching it:



around 22:15 (cb:time):

ECC, low orbit:

Fat Bottom Girl (CV):


Please move the vessel from wherever it is at the moment to the planet surface, any spot on terra firma will be just grand…:


I moved it


thanks, will remove the post and park slightly further in future!

You could have just stick another captains chair in it (even on the out side) then just steer it away and remove the chair…

I would have tried, but I could not get within reach of it before switching playfields… All sorted though :slight_smile:

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