Unique way to travel through space(useful or useless)

I was looking at some stuff on YouTube and saw someone made a gravity cannon. I thought “wow that’s awesome, I wonder if it’s still usable in this version”. So I hop into creative and chain some grav gens in space and whoosh I’m flying through space faster than ctrl on god mode. So I wonder, could this be something implemented into this server. Possibly in ecc orbit where instead of using a teleporter or going to your ship and moving, you just hop in a grav tube and launch to the next space station nearby. That seems like a really cool idea to me. But what do I know right? Let me know what you all think.

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You have given me an awesome idea

Gotta do some testing when I get home.

I only did a trial build to see if it worked. I don’t know what the top speed is that you can flung at, but it is much higher than 115m/s. I also am not sure how many generators are needed to reach this top speed. I just made three stacks of ten or so around a tube. But within about three seconds I was outside of the render distance of my cannon and other structures.

Sounds like an extreme ejecto- seato.

That sounds like an incredible idea! Maybe this could see some form of implementation in a future build.

My idea is more like orbital insertion. Just need to nail that landing : )

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im not sure if its possible to go into atmo from space without a sv or cv but i can give it a try now.

Yes, you can. It’s no different than going across the green wall on foot.

well then thats certainly a neat way to get groundside. could be implemented for the freelancer start instead of having to buy a useless ship that only has forward thrusters. aim that sucker right at the welcome building on planet instead of landing in a death trap and hiking to it lol. day one was a nightmare for the first hour.


its too bad grav gens dont work on planets. then you could launch yourself back into space :laughing:

You can catapult yourself in space with the motorcycle.
Put the motorcycle on a hollow rounded block, frontwheel upward the most you can then jump on the front wheel, you can either die hitting the mountain a kilometer away or sucessfully get in space and see the planet shriking very fast.

Last gravity cannon I tried from the workshop got me to 8000 m/s.

You can also build ejection seat for you sv using shutters and a sensor, you put the shutter directly on top of your pilot seat, you must absolutely enter seat while standing on it, set sensor to close while character is in shutter block, when it closes you are ejected at various speeds, I could get to maybe 100 m height last time I did it.

Same with motorcycle, you deploy and mount it very fast before hitting the ground.

Or hope you are aiming for water.

Oh wow, I’m gonna have to try that next time I’m on, sounds intense

Orbital Insertion might actually work in 8.0 when we’re supposedly gonna be able to impact the axis for rotation on planets. We’ll also be able to enter/exit the poles on planets so technically you could setup a permanent insertion landing location. I think I’ll try this come 8.0.

Grav Cannons are very old but formely known as secret weapon.

It was used to find structures deep in space by tedious sacrificing people and aligning the gun after each shot.

With HWS Stealth it got more and more useless and forgotten.

To use it now in a good way for station to station traveling is a cool idea even though it would fail as soon as the guy hits the Jetpack key or one griefer lovely parks his ship in the way. So in theory nice rather.

Some call it useless, some call it story driven to land with a damaged ship and have the goal to repair it or recycle it on the planet for progression.

Not possible because the planet rotates all the time…

oh i didnt realize that the planet actually rotated.

well there could be warning signs that say just dont use jetpack. but maybe a tube can be connecting the stations making it an enclosed system. im not sure if thats a reasonable thing to do with base build zones only so big and aligning the two just right.

youre right, i didnt quite consider the story side of it.

I just wish grav gens could impact HVs, then we could create space elevators of sorts. Land your CV on this space station, detach your HV and drive to the elevator, descend to the planet.

@RexXxuS here is an easy fix for the jet pack. Start without your armor and hope you shoot through space fast enough to not die from lack of oxygen.

We (LoT) used this to great effect in version 4 of the game, when the market did not require terminals, and a pirate faction “owned” the gold planet via sv’s and a system of rocket towers. We set up about 50k out with a decent base cv, one person stayed behind, and 6 jumped into the launch tube and were shot at the planet, 30 seconds apart. We had the timing down so that we knew how long it took to get to the planet (about 15-20 seconds), and the accuracy to the point were we could hit consistantly. So once one person survived the drop, the next day he would call out the launch window, and the rest would go join him. We had guys stealth mining on gold pretty much constantly, with absolutely zero ships at risk. Once someone mined a stack of gold, the launch controller would put up a buy order for gold for 1 credit, and buy it from them, and use the same method to send down drills, rocket launchers, anything we needed. long story short, it was a blast.

We tried to use it more recently to set up a supply station for running our event planet from 55k away, but some pirates mysteriously headed straight to the supply depot and blew it up when all of us had just logged off.