Vessel max size in HWS 7?

Dear Rex,

as i like to plan ahead it would be nice if you could tell us which maximum sizes for vessels you have planned for HWS 7 after 7th of september ?

The recent discussion was a bit weired… size 1 SV/HV ? Now we have size 4 HV/SV ? What size for bases and CV ?

Just want to know if we continue with block-count PVP and thus i have to pull out my size4+ monster SV again of if we go to a more skill based SV PVP ? (Size 1)

And the same for CV/BA. BA suck nevertheless as a single griefer SV can take out a size 357434 base, but still i want to know how we go on.

Thanks in advance !

If I know right, 7.0 will have a lot of PvP changes. We must wait it first.
Eleon maybe rework offline protection too.

It is difficult to plan ahead if you have an early access game with changes lying around every corner ruining your plans.

So a lot of people who requests Class 1 either doesn’t play anymore or is just to weird to keep track off where and what is going on.

I might keep things in general more simple for 7.0.
So my overall little plan for 7.0 is:
simplify the game itself you play on HWS like limits and restrictions but focus on our features which boost the game to another level.

Well Rex,

you can not satisfy everybody, so the question is if you want to give new players a chance to find their way into PvP without LOLstomped directly in their starter drill on Golden Globe by a dozend of Muhahaha TCH LolStompers in their size4+ block cube SV.

But if you really want to drop all limitations i found a nice size 49 death star that i would really love to park beside the gold asteroid in the Golden Globe system :stuck_out_tongue: