What you can /cannot remove from a Garage Ship

After 2 months of soild play, just bought my first mining garage SV, hurah.

Made the mistake of removing some thrusters only to find…Yes you cannot put them back on, same with the combat steel blocks ! c’est la vie.

Do people strip them down for reinvention ? if so what is the bare minimum you need to still keep it a garage ship ?

any help appreciated

hey mate, glad you bought a garage ship…

but i wish u read about what u can and cant do to them…

They are specifically designed for their roles; from minning to combat to well anything…

the sv’s that are there are mainly made from cv parts and when removed cannot be placed back…,and when the parts are removed they cannot be replaced and the guarantee that is with them is void…

but yes they are supplied with an alien core, but to get the alien core u need the highest recycle level and ocd level 5 :-1:
EGS Level 5

upgrade cost: 5,000,000 credits and 250 RP
returns blocks and devices
% blocks and devices returned is 90%
costs 10 credits per block and device
Recycle command can be used it globally !
make sure to have OCD level 5 to have the Alien Core preserved during the recycle process