Would I be able to migrate inventories/blueprints from unrelated server to HWS?

I’ve currently spent a lot of time on EAG and I would like to take my stuff from there and be able to move in on HWS. Currently I’m just maintaining what I’ve got there and reluctant to move given how much I’ve accumulated. Is this possible or absolutely not?
I’m fine with a partial migration given differences in server standards required to obtain what I have.


Hello and welcome,

sorry, the EAG and HWS server are too different to realize this. Even IF EAG would give us your .ply file it contains data which is not on HWS (like the Starter Planet and faction). This could cause corruption on your end then.
Once you play on HWS your progress is saved and transferred throughout server wipes.

Enjoy your stay.


Thanks for quick reply.

Though, i was wondering if it would be possible to have them entered? Not copied from one server to the other of absolutely all player data because of conflicts like you mention, but instead just have them manually put in from a screenshot of inventory/blueprints, even if fairness limitations require taking out some items/blueprints. I would just like to find some way to keep some progress of 2 months worth of gathering.

Honestly I would start all over, and this is the best time to start after a fresh server wipe. What your basically asking is akin to cashing in your iTunes account on google play, and in doing so would open up the floodgates of work on a very busy development team.

Just do the noble thing here, it’s better to start from scratch anyways and build up from there. This server has much better features and a very dynamic pool of players, and Ranzeth, that makes it well worth your while.

Yeah I guess it’s too bad there isn’t an independent system of ranks/value that can be used on any server. Like sell your stuff on one server into a base account and buy it all back on the target server. Of course I can see how this might be exploited with boost servers or something silly. Like there should be a standardized set of rules and if the server you made your collection on isn’t a part of it then you can’t cash in and so on. Or should have some way of adjusting what you can cash in based on the rates/conditions that you acquired the items in the first place. It would just be really nice to not have to throw away 100’s of hours of grinding progress going between servers.

Think of it as a short term loss, long term gain. On HWS you have what’s known as Orbital Cargo Drone (often referred to as OCD) that you can store your ill-gotten gains, safe from server wipes that can hold so much crap (and you can have two OCDs between EU and NA servers) that you don’t know what to do with it. Sure, losing a hundred hours sucks, but the long term potential is here. I have like 20 hours on HWS and I am universally hated, and I’m fine with that. Just ask @Ranzeth, all ACP/TAW hates me, as well as many other factions. But that’s ok, because when I am looting their bases all that hate just goes away…

CSW would be an option but it has too many risks between servers for now. Maybe in the future we do some cooperations.


CSW = Cross Server Warp.

RexXxus controls two servers for CSW; one in EU and the other in NA. You can traverse between these two servers in game.

Hey dude, I can’t agree with Tacosland more about our epic autominer, and once you’re off starter i’m more than happy to get you started with a small but decent resource or money boost depending on your wishes, experienced players from elsewhere are ALWAYS welcome on HWS :slight_smile:

Best regards

Alright. I’ll definitely check it out. Though I hope it’s the last move in this game. It’s too easy to get projects spread across multiple servers and otherwise getting used to a decent one before finding the better ones for a mainstay, and feeling bitter about leaving all the stuff given all the hours spent getting it. Thanks for the infos bros.