5.1 - PvP Combat Testing - Saturday 8pm EST

I’m not asking for you to change the size class to 6 for the live server, I’m asking it be 6 on nova for Saturday only so that we can test all of our different ships and compare videos of the fight on Saturday to recordings that we have of other fights.

It’s a win for everyone. We get to see how 5.1 affects our ship behavior (even if we can’t spawn them on the live server), the devs get more info on lag in fights, and you get a definitive “We tried size class 6 and it lags like hell” to throw in the face of anyone that complains that the size class decrease is unfair.

If we’re going to test this, let’s test this. I plan on trying all of the designs in my blueprint factory, one variant of each with whitespace and one variant of each with none.

LOL… Now I even couldnt imagine what class Kiev had O_O

Just skyped with the lead Dev and he gave me two tasks I give it to you guys :wink:
If you solve this tasks you have smooth fights!

He watched it and he needs:

  • all ships involved in this fight as a blueprint
  • if you want a special cookie try to reproduce this fight like this on the Nova server in a non frequent visited orbit. So we can just go along, grab the shared folder and playfield folder and give it to him. Or even singleplayer savegame

Basically what is really important is that he can reproduce all of this in his unity editor. Videos alone are not enough somethimes

Task number 2:

the 4-way-connector is a mess! He just saw it. So your task:

  • why the cookie are you using it? (intentionally to lag the other guys out? -> deal with class 6, get rekt. For the visual feeling? -> just use normal cubes)

  • because lag shots got blocked through it? -> give me a ship please and best a kind of savegame (singleplayer even) where you shoot at this and it is really aborbing more damage?

So here we go! Let’s do this! :smiley:

Or to motivate you the german way:


I don’t use these.

Ring Thing used Concave corner blocks for lag shot blocking and clipping prevention.

Please friend me for LBP ships: Steam Community :: Mordgier

I’m at work so I will post screenshots when I get home but the short summary is:

We use whitespace for additional collision checks to catch lag shots. Any empty space between blocks will fulfill this condition but there is a very important thing about whitespace that not everyone knows.

If two faces of a block mesh perfectly, they form the contiguous block that allows shots to pass through if they miss their first collision check. Almost every block will form a contiguous piece in one direction or another. 5 of 6 directions will have proper whitespace but at least one direction will have no whitespace as the joined faces make the contiguous block.

That is…all blocks except the 4 way connector . The 4 way connector has no face that perfectly meshes with the surrounding blocks. It always always always makes whitespace no matter how you look at it. It makes it the perfect block to place around your really critical components like the core. The only downside being that it’s 372 triangles and if your ship has too many polygons…poof…it disappears.


the 4-way-connector was just the highligt. Any ship which is now “class 6 and before lvl 3” is not build with proper building intention or misunderstanding?
Just let me know why you build this strange ships and they figure it out.

Friend me, spawn of the ships, go into godmode, fly into the ship past the first level of armor. What do you see?

Hint: It’s another block. If you shoot you hit the “other block”.

If you do the same thing with regular cube blocks, you will hit right through all other x number of blocks.

I added you to all our ships. You can fly trough all of them in godmode and you can see the evolution of white space design in our ships.

For those who need to calculate the schedule of the place where they live, this site helps and is bme simple to use.


Alright… thank you!
Still if one of you guys can help me with the tasks this would be appreciated for everyone

I will be there Sat for testing. In regards to the NER ships in the video, 2 of the ships (The hand of Eris & The Right Hand) are old versions and we no longer have the BPs for the ones in the fight. We can provide BPs for updated versions tho or, if you have the ability Rex, to spawn lost ships on the server that my be they only way to get the exact BPs for those 2 ships.

Boys after reading the xanif description of how the damage runs through the continuous blocks it occurred to me that the damage must be traveling through the same passage as the ship’s energy and also the ammunition. Because we do not have a transport system, I believe the damage goes through the shell to deep blocks because it is made of energy, so it may be that the game engine mechanics considers the damage it as the energy that propagates through the blocks To provide a device, when in fact it is not, perhaps the devs must change the concept of energy and ammunition that travels through the blocks to the devices, maybe this is the problem. If so, this explains why they can not fix this bug / bug effectively …


So I understand it may be that blocks and devices must be on the same layer with respect to weapon damage and should be on different layers, or damage being on the same layer of the ship’s energy for devices and going to collide directly with them …

If normal cubes simply did not “meld” with other cubes and rendered each face all the time lag would be significantly lowered (because we would not need to use special blocks) and clipping shots that go thru collision detection would be significantly reduced. What methods they are using for collision detection is an unknown for us.

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Here’s the funny thing. Polygon count wise, slope has fewer - AND provides white space.

Everyone use slopes!

but those gaping holes from the sides of them :smiley: I hate having to place every one quarter rotated haha. They are what i currently use except on the warp core, as well as actual full block white spacing.

Yeah that’s why I do a layer facing one way, another layer facing another and so on.

Im actually somewhat surprised that this issue has been misunderstanded for this long we were doing this as far back as 2.0 to reduce shots passing thru collision on different servers. It has been widely discussed on various Empyrion forums.

Including this one…

"Of course it uses random shapes to protect a bit more vs lag shots. "

I maintain that something changed about turrets in 5.0 from 4.0 and that’s what’s causing a lot of lag from additional collision detection. Maybe not on purpose but every conversation would start the same way.

I booted up 5.0.

I spawned my ship.

The turrets shoot a lot more and drills through the target much faster.

If there was a way to revert your local client to 4.0 I would record a TTK video but I don’t think you can.