6.0 Release Candidate V1.0

In fact it should be called damage after rendering (DAR), which is what he explained, it means that the bigger his speed fights me, the more difficult it is for the server to see where you really are and why the shots and damages in the right place due To that the owner and applied well after the ship went through the projectile or the opposite, must be why they reduced the speed of rotation of the Cvs in conjunction with the correction that they had made for the shot of lag, more as they reversed the Changes in the cvs, he had to change also the values of the lag shot which would lead to a whole new battery of tests and new adjustments …

This is my guess, I have tested the esperimental from the beginning.


Its lags even in Creative-mode. Place few blocks - watch freeze screen for 2-3 sec. wtf???

Lol they will fix that. Happened on other servers as well.

Iv seen those screen freezes on a lot of other games as well even getting it in windows, i have a feeling graphics drivers cuase them aswell so meh hope its fixable.

Idk, but in 5th version I hadnt them. Only on 6th, and only after this “last” update…

Well some months ago I suggested a name change to ‘SkipShot’ or ‘BTP Shot’ (Bullet Thru Paper) but it didn’t stick :smiley:
I also suggested some fixes. I would love to know what was their approach for solving it.

Could call it phase shot, but then it sounds intentional xD