AHK Scripts are legal or not?

I can assume macros for combat are illegal (Correct me if i am wrong) But would a ahk script that pulled information from the map screen be legal?

Cannot seem to find anything official on it :confused:

That part you’re wrong on. They’re allowed

Should be illegal though imo but not simple to police. Main reason I stopped SV fighting a few seasons back. Seemed everyone starting using them. In all honesty it doesnt make a huge difference - doesn’t make a bad SV pilot good. It obviously confers some advantage however minor and for me that steps into the realm of cheating/exploiting so… not for me. To each their own though - I dont judge.

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I addressed this to Eleon already but the priority was not high enough.
As @Daddystu said, we can’t police this in full details, hence it’s allowed.
I try to push this once again to the Devs. It can’t be that difficult to add a little weapon switch delay…

Since I know how powerful AHK scripts can be, I’m wondering though what else you want to do with them?

Well there is alot i WANT to do with them lol. But i enjoy fair play and color tracking aimbot seems like no fun :smiley: I will stick with heightmap making and coin cashing scripts.

Personally i don’t think combat macros should be legal at all. But very hard to say someone isn’t hitting 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2 while clicking the mouse. would have to be delays on weapons when switching to them like rex had said.

I’ve no issue with it. It’s something available to everyone with very little effort. An alternative would be a game option to fire all weapons or group weapons together rather than by type.