Alien Core Collapsed

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: I removed my core from the base and replaced it with the alien core I received from the Alien Asylum mission, after entering “do:ac:222590”, and verifying the base reverted to me I closed the core back in with blocks and verified the base we set to faction, I then placed a furnace and immediately heard a collapse and could no longer place blocks or access the P menu. It turned out the core collapsed which I don’t understand as all the blocks were green for structural integrity.

The core was dead center on image
Player(s) with issue: Winmon
Server: HWS NA
Time (cb:time): Monday, 09 April 2018 between 02:00 & 02:30
Playfield: Gorgon
Structure Name(s): PVE Da Wae Tower
Structure ID(s): 222590
How can we help you now: If I can get the Alien Core back that would be great! if not, do you know what I did wrong so I can avoid it in the future?


I see what you mean. No Idea why it collapsed, though. Alien Core is back in your Inventory

Awesome,! I’ve got it back and placed it again, so far so good! Thank you Sr!

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