'Alienship' mission broken

Alienship mission is broken. I went through stargate to start mission & was dumped outside ‘Alienship’. Boom dead. Respawned inside health chamber of Alienship, but now I have no backpack items & no guns. Mission un-doable until fixed. Lost items, incl (t2) assault gunn, (t2) shotgun, (t2) sniper & ammo, nightvision, etc.

Hello @dh.98

I tried it myself just a moment ago and it worked. Don’t know what could be the matter. Maybe if DSL don’t get the structure in time?
If you can maybe retest it in prime time, we could have a bug which we will report to Eleon.

I gave you the items you lost for now.

Hi RexXxus

I will travel & try again, when I get on laptop in about an hrs time.


Thanks a lot @dh.98!

I will refund everything if it fails again.
Especially the test to

  1. go in and see if you get teleported to the ship
  2. if not and you die, check if you get the Medic Bay as respawn option from the afterwards loaded Alien Ship

If that is the case, DSL was just not fast enough to render the ship

I just tried mission again at 20:52 EST. Same fault, spawned outside ‘Alienship’, killed by guns, respawned from death inside health chamber, but now with no gear. I had time while floating in space to see outside of Alienship from a few 100m.

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Hi RexXxus

Could it have something to do with a low ping rate, not making a clean jump into ‘Alienship’?
I am playing from NZ & ping is around the 240 to 300 most times I am on.


Interesting… yes… maybe that is a good indicator.
I just tried again with a 121ms ping and it worked without problems

The ping is not that irrelevant. If you drill on Golden Globe for example you get more in your Harvest Box if your ping is better. Not everyone knows that.

If you are on-line at the same time as me, then I will try ‘Alienship mission again & be a crash test dummy for you. I will turn ‘di’ on & try to get a screen shot, before the Alienship’ guns kill me. As well as tell you my ping rate before going through the portal.

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