Alpha 11.5 & HWS 11 | Quick status quo

“Many were increasingly of the opinion that they’d all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans."

Douglas Adams


Sadly you are not going to please everyone. You know what if 5 leave there will be 10 more to replace them. I do not play HWS but it has nothing to do with you Rex you do great work and have given more than your share to not only EGS as a whole but to the HWS community. If some want to stomp their feet and walk out the door I say hit them in the (Enter your own word) and say good riddance.
People if you follow the Steam Reviews A11 is a hit!! CPU is greatly enjoyed. Those that do not want it seem to be majority of PVP players. Your PVE servers are full up with players happy to play with CPU.
It is possible to change your build to be compliant and even do it all. Thing is though a Class 5 CV and a Class 5 SV should not maneuver the same. If you feel different then go play A6 or something where all ships felt the same as that is all gone. Future holds many more changes and to think they are all going to fail because a small number say so is silly. EGS is one of the highest rated games on Steam. Given many do not play much EA that would account for lower player count than say Ark that is complete.
So as others have said stop being entitled brats or well good luck to you. There will be one server out there for a few months with no CPU. Then that too will go away. Just like Tempature back in 7 and the mining temper tantrum as well. In the long run you narrow minded people will loose out on a great game. Things is who cares your cash is already supporting this game so we do not need you around.

Note you can report this statement of opinion I do not care. I have spoken my mind and make no apologies for it. Can not believe that so many that have been here for so long can act like 5yros on Christmas morning when they do not get what they want. Grow the (insert your own word) up the world is not about you!!!


sigh I missed the Xmas sale… again.

Apologies @Dawg but I have to disagree with u. Aside from your comment of majority being PvP players. The only thing that CPU has successfully done is divide the community. I have not found one post of anyone “excited” for it’s implementation or anything stating how it has improved their gameplay. I have seen several toxic posts bashing it and just about as many saying they can deal with it. But not one of enthusiasm.

Just look at it for what it actually is, another limitations system we have to check our builds against. I can honestly say that HWS is the only reason I still play this annoyance of a game. I really enjoy the universe the team has created and will tolerate these wonky changes from the developers because of @RexXxuS and crew.

side note, if you release a feature with an option to “turn it off” that should tell you it’s going to have problems. Especially if that is the main idea defending its existence.


Now there is a change xD

@RexXxuS can we know what the CPU values will be so we can pre build or adapt designs accordingly?

the devs have said the values are hard coded and cannot be changed. stick with horrible defaults to ensure somewhat “proper” design. with the new imposed limits, the cube and potato shapes seem to work out the best. i have been in creative a lot and found that symmetrical builds are the meta for A11.

i found the the best luck starting a build with just thrusters, power gens, fuel tank and cock pit. place thrusters in all 6 directions and start spinning in place. try left to right a few times to make sure it flows. i have had several odd occurrences where i can spin super fast left but seems towing a load of crushed stone spinning right. same with up and down.

these new features have made me use my thinker a lot more recently. i found it seems to work best starting entirely new builds rather than trying to refit older models. we pretty much have to relearn how to build with just about every new enhancement :frowning:

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the builds do seem odd i am building brand new ships but the whole bad asthetics is horrible ships should look awsome

I wouldn’t advice building new ships before new season starts. Too many unknown changes that may happen to config. Block mass overall is much lower on HWS for example, and there is a good chance it will be reverted to vanilla due to common CPU standarts. Or not, since there wasn’t much information about config changes.

Sharing some info or making a test server for new config would be a good idea, because I’m 100% sure people already made some broken ships (One example, hangar doors mass/hp ratio). Without proper testing, there will most likely be multiple necessary changes to config during the new season, which is already a lion share of community complains. But I guess it’s not here due to possible dramas.

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The issue is that Rex basically has to start over nearly completely from scratch because of some of the recent changes. This all takes time and I doubt he’s at a point he’s ready to put it to a public test server yet. I could be wrong though.

Due to us using CPU next season and because of the new flight mechanics he’s pretty much got to start over with his balancing.

Even the weapon balancing he had spent so much time on before will likely have to be nearly done from scratch again. With CPU active, ships are going to be generally smaller than before, this means adjusting damage values and also rebalancing block and device HP nearly all over again.
Also, since we are going back closer to vanilla thruster values because of the fact that thrusters provide turning torque now, this also means a complete rebalance of block and device mass again.
I’m betting it takes a couple seasons after we activate the new features before we start to really see a balance again. That’s if there aren’t more major changes during that time that starts the process all over yet again. That’s Alpha for you though.

I don’t think new season will start before config will be completely ready - at least in intention. That’s probably one of the main reason new season was delayed. It’s one of the basics after all. My point is that testing by active members of community will help to find flaws much faster than just by Rexxus, ideally before it may ruin gameplay of wider community on already started season.

Well they did not release CPU with the option to turn it off originally. Sadly though too many were set on they were going to get their way. Now if everything the Vocal Community did not want was removed what would we not have? Well Temperature/Environmental effects there was a lot of stomping feet like children over that one. Many servers refused to use it. Review bombing went on. The new Mining system was the same deal, those with low maturity level acted out. Both of those are now excepted part of the game how funny. Oh shields had the same type of greeting though on many server PVP crowd preasures to have them rendered almost useless, especially for BA as PVPers have said many times 1-5 SV should be able to take a BA within 10-20 minutes of combat. That is a bit silly considering that SV even built from scratch takes no where near as long as that BA.

So there you go there your theory about CPU release squashed with Facts.

Now as for Steam Forums atleast (as I do not frequently come here) there have been many that are enjoying CPU. CPU is very easy to work with and it adds a progression path to the game. In the past how many times do you jump on a server and inside 2hrs at most you have that huge Jack of all Trades PVP CV and are ready to pounce on the noobs? I know guys off Starter with anything really inside 10 minutes. Even here on HWS that was possible. Now with CPU there is a path to be taken though I do not know how much gutting of CPU was done as I have not honestly join the server. Have the game fired up to do that now but was checking the website first.

Then as I think I may have said in the post you responded to there is the most important thing to look at for EGS. The Steam Reviews. They have gone UP since CPU was released. No more is this a simple Arcade game where you slap any blocks together and smash keys to win. Now you have to THINK a little if you plan to build that great PVP vessel and it is not going to do everything. No longer are there PVP CVs that are 5 blocks thick of combat steel on top of shields rendering them unstoppable. (Note again I have not played on HWS YET for this Season)

I have said this before and I repeat it. Rexxus does the best he can with what he has. For the life of me I do not know why he keeps going with PVP. Better to eliminate it all together and get rid of have the issues. HWS and EGS are his hobbies though and he is committed to them. I am here to likely check out the PVE content only. PVP is usually nothing more than Mega Factions either picking on solo ships easy to pounce on or they are just bickering with the other Mega Factions. Then you have the crew (experience of my last hours played here) that will find and use every Bug/exploit in the game to win and say that is a legit way to win. Usually because that is their only way to win. To me that is as cheesy as you digging to my core bypassing all my defenses just so you can claim my base and take it all from me. Been through that one. Had a crew did that and was only done because they could. Spent days building and they knew they would never get in as intended. Did not plan for the kids that have to walk that grey line just to say they won.

Now you may not agree with me and that is fine as I do not care. Many at HWS that know me know I do not come here for friends. I do not play in the school sandbox with you all I run alone. I am outspoken and direct and do not care if your little feelings are hurt. So dislike my words that is fine but my mind will likely not change on my above points.

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that is just your opinion, not facts. None of the things you mentioned are game breakers, not even close…none of which ever bothered me or a 1000 other ppl. CPU is a game breaker, which is why i’m skippiing 11 to hopefully wait for this clusterfuck to sort its self out. Right, back to 7dtd !


Found this, and, well you at least have to giggle !
Figured some of you would get a laugh at least !
What we really want is a Ryzen 32 Core CPU !!!


This is a server I built a few years ago. Has dual 24 core processors and 384GB RAM