Alpha EXP 4 release - the wait is almost over!

Space engineers does this beautifully. Too much torque on one part of a structure that cant bear the load will snap it off and throw shrapnel everywhere. Its amazing when it is supposed to happen. bad thing is sometimes on mp it just… happens

Nerfing CVs is hard to stomach for most, but I think it’s a step in the right direction towards fun. SVs are manual aiming by default and this allows casual players to participate more without needing to grind a zillion iron.

Cv RCS needed a nerf but they didn’t need to completely ruin CV’s turning. Increasing the speed of the cv’s will cause more problems with splash damage/lag shots on the interior due to speed/collision… I love a lot of the new added stuff and the new P menu, armor, acid rain the whole nine yards… Don’t just RUIN the way things work because they need to be tuned down a little! :sob::sob: Large SV’s are un fly able now as well.

Tell me I’m wrong please. What happens when you get those gang bangs and 3-4 ships are behind you… Sit there for 5 minutes trying to turn around or what? Get real… They are making CV’s turn like TRASH. RUINING CV’s for people like me who LOVE to build them and fight them. At least make it where we can add more if we want but it will hurt us in some way … I don’t LOVE the part where you fly around in circles with turrets shooting… I LOVE the part where you spent days building that ship to see how good its insides/turrets hold up… making your ships warp drive never break in a fight… ETC. THATS THE FUN IN CV’S PEOPLE NEED TO REALISE.

Go to the official Forums, dont post here about what you dont like. All the PvPer allready whine over there, where Eleon reads it, this is the Forum for the HWS -Server, not Eleons-Empyrion-Forum. Yes, CV behave different now, but thats why its alpha and experimental.Just wait and see, and maybe you just need to get used to a new system. My CV rolls like before, size 3 with all weapons allowed.

CVs Were never intended to be able to turn on a Dime.Originally, they were VERY sluggish turners…Think Queen Mary.

Please try not to ruin the enthusiam on this thread DerHerDanner.

By the way. I am a pvper.

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I am optimistic for the CV change. I think it will allow CVs to be used realistically as hulking battleships armed with turrets to broadside targets, as carriers to launch waves of fighters, dropships, and attack craft, and as small frigates and corvettes to escort larger craft, SV squadrons, and harass larger capital vessles, but no one ship will be able to do it all. This, hopefully, will bring more tactics to the game and the need to have specialized craft.


I think the most interesting thing that will come out of this is it will make warp retreating in the middle of a large battle harder. You try to lock onto the next system to jump but its behind you and you have to spend time turning to that heading while eating a lot of fire.

However I will enjoy seeing age of sail-esque line battles in space. People can group up ahead of time and form their battle lines and the battles become a much more strategic in regards to positioning. Although it remains to be seen if ppl will start building smaller CVs to take advantage and try to out turn their opponents and then try to counter that with SVs…the new pvp meta remains to be seen.

On a side note the vertical CV I built a few months ago now all of a sudden became relevant again. It still yaws like a boss.