Ammo drainers on GG

Server: (NA)

Type of Offence Committed: (Excessive ammo drain)

Time/Date of offense: cb:time (5:53-6:09)

Player/Faction accused: (TheRaven [ACP], Ranzeth [ACP])

Player Faction reporting: ([E E] Digital)

What happened? (62 deaths within 16 minutes)

Why did it happen? ( These guys know the rules I’d assume, Lag Maybe?)

The outcome: (Our Verdict, within 24 hours-Check back to see this updated and what action was taken)

I think you have the time stamps mixed up with death count.

Those arent cumulative deaths, just the visitors death count at that time… which is weird because those numbers are off. My death count for the season so far is 1.

Strange indeed why there is a difference in the death count…

@Jascha ? Ranz death is 1 in the tool !?

hm maybe the tool wanted to see you dead more often then you actually died :thinking:

I’ll take a look at it. Keep me informed if the death count is off again.


Strange i also want to see Ranzeth die more often.

You and the rest of the server.

XD Okay, guys thanks for the help!
I’ll let you know if this thing keeps acting fishy.

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