Base disappeared (caprica)

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: Base and docked ships disappeared
Player(s) with issue: Browar
Server: HWS EU
Time (cb:time): Between 29.03.2018 21:00 and 31.03.2018 19:00
Playfield: Caprica
Structure Name(s): “Stronghold (Browar)”
Structure ID(s): Don’t know. Can’t find it in structure commander
How can we help you now: Provide reason of deletion or please respawn it. Base was powered, armed with flak and rocket turrets, I don’t know why its gone.

It was destroyed by drones.

I expected it but I can’t say it feels right. There was no reason for me to expect drone attacks. I personally destroyed drone base, planet description doesn’t have any information about surface wipe and POI respawn.
I left base armed and powered (obviously not enough ammo).
Donator planet should theoretically be the safest place in HWS universe but next time I’ll have to fill my base with lot of ammo.

The Planet description has only the vital points listed since I can’t put everything in there.
Drones in general are common sense in Multiplayer Empyrion and to be expected everywhere.
Otherwise it would be a Creative server.

Nevertheless the final go about donator planets have the owner of them.

That was all and I did it. Please get in touch with the owner and talk with him.
Donator planets can be customized as the owner want. So that is not our part.

Have fun nevertheless!

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