Base on a non-starter planet get server wipe?

Good afternoon, Community.
I apologize in advance if my question does not fall into the correct category. I don’t have much experience yet in this forum.

I was reading several topics on the HWS website and several of the regulations it has.

I understand that the starter planets have a time of 7 days until they are wiped. But that, correct me if this is not the case, would correspond to the started solar systems only.
Assuming the case that I want to make a ground base, could I create it without running the risk of it being wiped by the server outside of these systems? For example, a solar system other than the starter.

My question is also because I would be interested in creating automatic miners on the surface of certain resources to speed up obtaining these a little without the need to be connected. And, obviously I want to have a guarantee that these are not destroyed by npc’s for example (considering that I will still remain in the pve area until I gain a little more experience in the game)

I would appreciate if someone more experienced in the game or on the site could help me with a guide or similar, perhaps a link to a frequently asked questions documentation, etc.

Thank you!

all structures we spawn in starter systems have a 14-day decay timer. the timer stops as soon as the structures leave the system. the 7-Day wipe your referring to is the untouched timer. basically, you have to walk along the blocks of your ships to show them as “active”

the rest of the Galaxy doesn’t have decay timers but does have a 30 day untouched timer.

it’s best to use a capital vessel as a makeshift base until you can find a place outside of starter systems to plant a more permanent flag.

by the way, this is a good place as any to post for information but the hws discord can give you faster answers.