Captured CV won't let me recycle

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened?
=> captured a cv, docked it to my cv to take it somewhere else to recycle. (may have had an sv still docked to it? But it didn’t come with me) Now no matter what I do it won’t let me recycle it, I’ve warped out and everything and it says it has a docked ship. Tried CSW and it says all docked ships are not registered. Tried re-log, no difference

Player(s) with issue? (steam name)
=> Dumpster Sauce

Server? (EU or NA)
=> EU

When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> 12:15am-current

On which Playfield?
=> Nova originally, Xardale orbit now

Structure Name(s)?
=> Black-Mamba

Structure ID(s) (Open ingame console and type di)?
=> 6354098

How can we help you now?
=> Just trying to get the xeno from it

u try the undock command yet?

yep, nothing fixed

try stealth. it makes a new ID so might do the trick.

you can’t stealth with docked ships


please try again. I fixed it

Reason was: You undocked and deleted a SV in a playfield, then directly moved on (not waited 5 min) and the system could not recognize that this docked structure was deleted and not docked anymore. noone else visited that playfield long enough for it to trigger again.
Its not your fault, rather bad design on our side in connection with what empyrion gives us…

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