Carbon blocks are broken

Steel - 50 hp, 10 kg, multiple weapons in EWS that deal increased damage, nothing is dealing decreased except for some player handheld weapons.
Carbon - 125 hp, 5 kg, no weapon from EWS deals increased damage.

Carbon does have it’s uses, for ships that are built around high thrust/turn patterns. Not for ships made for facetanking opponent. The commodity itself is not rare either if you collect daily loot.

Although I do agree that if you buy diamonds from market/npc traders, making ships can be quite costly compared to collecting them from daily loot. Anyway, this main idea of this thread is about overall pvp balance, not economics around it. And I’m sure that buffing carbon again will raise a lot of issues regarding survivability of ships and meta pvp.

I honestly would love to be able to stuff diamonds in my ocd. say like 100-500max would be sufficient.

Those comparisons are irrelevant. Carbon no longer compares to either of those materials in any way whatsoever and it certainly wouldn’t replace either of them.


Changing the main material meta mid season was a absurdly stupid idea, I’ve seen almost 20 people quit the server over this, some even quit the game.
and that’s just in my faction alone

This kind of mid season meta change forces 2 things to happen.

Firstly since the majority of players don’t use this forum, they suddenly found overnight their ships they had spent millions on to get the best materials and worked so hard on are now all paper being blown apart without any explanation.

Secondly the ones who are aware now have to spend several hours redesigning a fleet of ships that was only just starting to settle from the last changes.

REX has lost some very well paying customers over these mid season gut punches to the meta.

And many players have lost hundreds of millions of credits and days of playing for buying diamonds and making carbon blocks.

This has been the worse season by far.

First the changes to the class limits makes the weeks of testing and development of combat class one capitals wasted now this.

It’s almost like someone’s trying to make everyone quit :expressionless:

Save these radical changes until next season and give plenty of warning so people can stop wasting money on the best ship materials only to have them turned to the worst the next day.

These knee jerk changes have to stop.
Gradual changes is the key.

You cannot fast boil a frog. It always jumps out the pan.
Slow boil or eat something else.

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The question is, did the people leave because they spent time creating special carbon designs, or because they bought millions of blocks to sell on and profit, and now lost money?

I had to throw away multiple blueprints due to this and still play - I even welcome the change as it made pvp funnier.

And i havent heard any PvPer complain about that - only traders who wanted to make quick money


i can’t count how many times i have had to scrap and rebuild. it is frustrating at times but it can help evolve ship designs to keep them from getting stale. surprise your enemies with new builds to keep them guessing. using the same ships can make an easy target once its weak spots are found.

Agree the game needs to evolve and change to keep fresh,
that’s not the problem though, and yes we have all had to tear our ships apart and put them together again plenty of times, thats not the point here either.

At the end of the season we all expect the meta to change a little, most of us use the time between the patch coming out and the server been updated to get all our models up to speed.

The issue here is the dramatic change of making the best material in the game into practically the worse, overnight, mid season, with practically no warning other than some offhand line on a post somewhere that half the server wont have read.

I agree something had to be done to nerf diamond,
¬_¬ but it went the wrong way, it was supposed to be an elite material, and where the server messed that up was by literally handing out daily diamonds for no reason.
Making it both and endgame item AND a daily common loot drop everyone gets plenty of every day was a very silly move. Of course people were all going to build ships from that and nothing else.

Thing is, the idea of super blocks that are very hard to get hold of is a great idea, just its been very badly implemented due to the server over-reacting to peoples demands, everyone said there should be more diamonds in the game, and instead of putting a few traders that sell them in some kind of bulk, or more of them as rewards for missions you could farm, the server just started spitting them out everywhere with zero effort involved by the player, like confetti.
so no one cared if they had to use them to repair or build anything, they knew for a fact they would be getting more later, for a 100% certain and with zero effort on their part. bad play.

Should really have been so rare that people only used it for a thin coating on the ships at best just due to the difficulty getting it, instead we got it were it was vaible to build everything out of this super abundant constantly regenerating elite material whole, no metal at all or even xeno, just pure carbon.

what would have been a much much better idea would have been to take the damn daily drops of diamonds out and make people REALLY have to work to get them, like only from traders on GG or in the phoenix poi/sphere poi.

You can’t have something be end-game AND given to someone for free without doing anything on day 1 and all days afterwards, at the same time.

For those of us who’ve played minecraft, remember the joy of finding your first diamonds, now think how much less that would be if the game just spat 7 diamonds at you everytime you’d logged in anyway.

The changes to the weapons, economy and then this ontop jarring for newer players to keep up with.

Damage is done now, my point if any is that this kind of thing should be left until the end of season in the future.


Was a rough season from the start, we were all floating aimlessly in space.

I listened to the hearts of so many guys just fall out of favour with this game with the state of pvp at the start of 10.5.
Our faction went from many numbers, to just a shadow of a faction within 2 weeks.

We had a lot of fairly new guys so their first impression of pvp for this game, was what they were given on HWS for 10.5.

Poor guys, we probably wont see any of them again.

Then all the blocks changed again and well thats me out of PvP also now :slight_smile: I had just finished a class 5, and right now i just cba with making new ships after just finishing making new ships and not having even a chance to test them.
Total waste of my precious godlike time.

We are at a crucial time of fixing mp pvp issues and you change the blocks during ? this made no sense to me whatsoever but then I expect no less from decisions made by people who do not even play this game !

There was way too much shit to deal with this season to have the blocks changed half way through.

I have started making PvE ships out of plastic instead.
I am working on boats again ! finally some stability in the game ! something that works !
Ahahaha I resort to boats for game stability ? that’s gotta be saying something.

My Motivation for this game has now dwindled to the point of being daily loot logger.

I dont blame rex for this, I dont blame eleon either.

The blame sits squarely on the shoulders of the HWS PvP community itself.

They want fixes but they don’t go report on eleon because of a pessimistic attitude and so wait for months for me to post??? by then its too late most players have quit…

They say “but the pvp crowd will slam us down” well yeah sure of course, if you go on eleon and talk like an entitled dick head, the pve crowd will slam you eleon will slam you and I will slam you.

They are too hostile when it comes to giving real feedback or asking for eleons help, so they get nothing.

They want PvP so badly yet the game has absolutely no supporting features for PvP besides the alliance request button…
They have not noticed this yet due to lack of overall intelligence.

Weapons and shields are a by product of PvE.
Yet they seemingly ignore that fact and so PvP will never have a structure in this game or real supporting features.

Everything will always keep changing on HWS simply because PvP players cant kill other pvp players, they still have not figured out that their own PvP design concept is what fucks them the hardest.

And I really really hope CPU is activated hard on HWS and they all get slapped in the face with it, and that slap feeling is your reward for all your constructive feedback and help on eleon forums ! ha
I hope it comes with thrusters need to be exposed :slight_smile:

The point is the pvp crowd here are a rigid and inflexible bunch of antisocial misfits who could not represent a potato, let alone this games future interests in pvp.

These guys just don’t know how to flex, they got no game. Just seems like they are all on menstrual cycle. They all sound the same and they all lack basic social skills, and this is 100% factual reason for PvP in this game being a stale turd.

I wash my hands of this nonsense lol.

You can find me on GTA V simulating mass based murder and other vicious crimes.

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Wow :hushed:

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what he said :point_up_2:

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Can I be represented? I really think us potatoes should have equal representation, and not turned into french fries…


there is nothing French about those fries in question. but they are delicious. especially Taco flavored :wink:

Sorry but i dont understand how much time requires to do this command

Replaceblocks id actualblockname blocknameyouwant

I changed all my bps in lets say… 5 minutes?

I can make a small youtube tutorial if needed :slight_smile:


u can use the block numbers as well. type di in the console to popup the developer info box. point to a block to display the block id.
for example:
replaceblocks 1015 326 226

(i don’t know the block id’s, no idea what that command will do to ship 1015 :-p)


yeah, if it wasnt for the replace block command and we had to do it manually i’d have probably just set my pc on fire.
although, you make it sound like its one command and the ship is converted. no big deal.
It’s not as easy as that though.
unless your ships just a brick with weapon stalks on the top.
the replaceblock command scrambles a lot of the half blocks into new shapes, and you have to fly around the whole ship in DI mode checking every block shape to see if it converted, then do it 3 or 4 times on a complex ship just to get the blocks all the same type or you’ll miss a corner somewhere and get charged a random diamond to build and repair because it always rounds up to 1000 or 500 for diamond costs.

add to that the fact the ship now weighs more, so you need more rcs, more thrusters, you need to reconfigure your insides to fit that, then if you’re going with xeno you now have to extremely limited options for texture and colours.
none of that matters to some who just building a flying brick with a few weapons on a stick on top, for everyone else its a fkin nightmare. hours of time when you have multiple ships.

¬_¬ then you have to go around recycling your old fleet, ball ache.
not and exactly fun.

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yes i have had that nonsense happen before…there are 2 different block id’s for thick and thin. it will change to the correct one going from thick to thick and thin to thin. i haven’t experimented with the new hallway blocks but i imagine they have a 3rd id. but yes replaceblocks is just an easy and quick fix to change out block types. fine tuning sometimes has to be done but depending on how drastic the changes are. it’s usually not too bad once u go through it enough times…“usually” :wink:

there’s at least 4 block id’s now, probably more, and they dont give the correct shapes everytime.
fk’n ball ache