Cave Mission bugs

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> 1. Cave Reward Ship is not available with egs:spawn with Server giving error message “Please visit a Spawn Zone first”.

  1. After the alien worm tunnels the PDA mission says it will add the Phoenix mission to my PDA and activate it automatically, but neither of these happened. Mission is not found in the PDA:

Player(s) with issue:
=> Caelnias (at least)

=> EU

Time (cb:time):
=> 1.10.2020 1:22

=> Triton

Structure Name(s):
=> -

Structure ID(s):
=> -

How can we help you now:
=> Zone needs to be fixed? Follow-up mission to be added to PDA

Welcome back @Caelnias

yes, it was once on ECC and is now on Triton.
Will set up the zone today.

Hmm, @Ju and I will check this, thanks

have the same problems…

Thank you very much Caelnias!

The Chapter was not set to ‘activate’. I fixed that now. Please wait a bit, until Rex uploaded my fix and then try again please. The new PDA changes only take effect after a game restart. :slight_smile:

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The Cave Reward ship is fixed since yesterday btw.

yes, the cave reward ship is fixed, but the next (Phoenix) mission is not activated or listed anywhere in PDA for me…

thanks for the note, @Ju might check this asap.

Hm, it should be appearing in ‘SoloMission’. If it still does not, even after a game restart, it is either too late, because you already didn’t get the check or it doesn’t work, because it is a transition between ‘Tutorial’ and ‘SoloMission’. Will check that tomorrow by myself playing the PDA.

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no, still nowhere to be found…i did finished the mission several hours before Caelnias posted about it, long before the fix for it, that has probably messed it up…there is no way for you guys to reset or activate the quest?

Ok, thanks! I now seperated the Phoenix Quest and it should be visible for all in Solo Mission.
But maybe wait until next server restart.

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