CB:reset mistake

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened: I CB:reset at Eden orbit sectore, try to change origin into freelancer, without knowing that you lose base and other stuff
Player(s) with issue: i did cb:reset careless*
Server: HWS EU
Time (cb:time): somewhere 16:00-17:00
Playfield: Eden orbit
Structure Name(s): Space Factory Facility
Structure ID(s): lost
How can we help you now: can i have recover the base, cv and my stuff? i realy made bad mistake here, lol

For that to do we would need to know what structures belonged to you.
I found these 3 and set them to you again, but what else?

Keep in mind doing such mistake could also cause your structures to be public and looted. So I can’t guarantee what happend to them until now.

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