Change Daily Loot time?

I got a simple request, can we sync the daily loot timer with the 8AM reset instead of it happening at 9PM? I have missed a few days either to an event, random POIs I was in the middle of, and just plain ol’ fell asleep. It just seems to be a very odd time that I for one can’t keep track of and would think it would be best done with a server restart.

Anybody else have an opinion?

You know you don’t have to collect it by 9PM right?

You can just wait until you’re not in a POI. You have 24h to collect it.

It is reseted at midnight server time.

I think I understand Taco. I have logged in to the game after work and it says I need to wait another 3 to 4 hours to collect. The timing seems odd to me for an NA player since I am usually in bed before it resets and no time to log in before work in the morning.

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And that’s just it, it seems to be a very odd time for me, there is no warning or notifications when you are in game to remember, especially when something is going on. If it could be synced with one of the 3 daily server restarts I think that would be more ideal.

Think, personally for you, team HWS need to create option, “message SMS, see not oversleep”) as on me HWS sinking, he becomes not interesting, and there is many bolee glabalnykh problems!

Options compound create yes, make pie wipe forgot drive cup. Elegant make fart, honors all us.

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What? please write in your own language? it’s easier to translate than what you wrote. With respect.

Sorry, had a translator with borokhen English. I think it was programmed with another language.

Damn windings got me again…

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