Cheating/Exploiting by SWP on EU server, Saturday 8pm GMT

Ok guys… I think we should calm down again and stay with the topic.

About yesterdays SWP Camping see this thread: SWP camped warp point, lost cv 4 sv 4 hv - #6 by Jascha

Another reason why we want clear proof of things and not just SWP or whomever-hate.
In that “Warp point Camping” thread SWP should have been actually the one calling others hackers, since other people landed in SWP ships out of the blue (SWP not beeing online in that Orbit btw). And if that other faction would have understood the situation right it would have been a loss on SWP side only.

So please understand why we dont ban a faction just because people have bugs. Even if it happens a lot with SWP, but SWP is on EU server one of the most PVP-Active-faction. Therefore they have much more contact with others and therefore of course also much more chances of beeing accused of exploits.

btw: Since we are in direct communication with the devs, we know that some SWP members are regularly sending exploits they found to the devs. That does not mean that we trust them of abstaining from every exploit, but they show also their good side.

Btw: Still waiting for this:

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