Coming Soon 4.0 Poll

Hey guys,

4.0 coming closer and closer. We know more and more about it and some really cool stuff is waiting for you!

Nevertheless the community, you are playing so we really want to have your feedback. This time about a very important stuff. Please think about it very good and consider every aspect - early game, late game… faster is not always better…

Player Progression

Influences the overall player progression speed by earning more or less XP
How should it be (it was normal till now):

  • Faster
  • Normal
  • Slower

0 voters

Constructor time

Influences the overall craft speed of constructors
How should it be (it was normal till now):

  • Faster
  • Normal
  • Slower

0 voters

Blueprint production time

Influences the overall production speed of the blueprint factory
How should it be (it was normal till now):

  • Faster
  • Normal
  • Slower

0 voters


Your HWS Team

hello HWS team is there any chance of releasing the device and block count before 4.0 comes out so us peeps can prepare our ships and bases in creative ? :wink:

Hey buddy,
for now we are not allowed to talk about it :wink:
As soon as it is in the experimental branch you see everything. Then we will release some more information too.

Ok thank you rexxus:grin:

ETA for 4.0?? When do we begin the tear down lol

~ end of october guys ~

No sense in slow XP-ing, or in slow Constructor. Some sense only in Blueprints.

i agree on that. everyone should start maxlevel imo. at least, as long as there is nothing epic to unlock in the max levels.

Alright - quite obvious we let everything like it is now. “Normal”.
Thanks for your participation.

Slower levelling spreads out the pace that everyone leaves the starter planets and set up, creating an opportunity for competitive individuals to snatch their ideal locations.

Slower construction makes a market for those to smelt and build, selling finished products that have more value in time saved.

Slower blueprints incentivize trading ships.

As a trader, I support slower everything, but I understand why some prefer convenience. I personally believe slower creates a healthier multiplayer environment.

Sharing this opinion and would go for everything slower, but the community decided :wink: