Considering coming back to play

First things first: We / I are / am really happy to see people playing on HWS. It is appreciated and motivates us in what we are doing.




But by no means is this something we force, rely on or can be threaten by. Everyone who plays on HWS do it voluntary and at his / her own will.
If you have a problem with HWS? Go. If you don’t like what we do and only complain? Go. If you can’t handle Alpha games and losses? Go. And so on…
That is actually already the TL;DR.

About your case:

You know more than me then. Getting professional good staff is very hard. And not even the fact how much you need to handle and endure but also because all the hater and thieves HWS has.
But it got a lot better with the Police, with better tool support with each update.

I remember something about turrets shooting through ground in your case and I explained already that was not an intentional abuse of an exploit by others but just a bug which happens on daily basis and happened to the other guys by Viking towers as well as I found out later. So I ignored / ignore any finger pointing. That is just something you can endure or not.

Thus nobody came to me at that time and said please restore XY. I only got a lot of hate, unthankful behavior and basically a finger on what I am / we are doing.

That can’t be done because some of these “known” bugs are not good for the community and stay in tickets for the Devs to fix. And the result of these known bugs are basically our Rules. There you have it straight away to use them

Because of all that I can’t go ahead and give people stuff because they lost something due a bug. Especially if it happend months ago.

Either way, you are welcome on HWS. Otherwise have fun elsewhere.
A lot is planned for Empyrion this year, we are working with Eleon on it.
