Crafter removed over night!

So last night 06.02.17 01.00 (GMT+1) me and my buddies were playing and getting ready to get of the pirate starter. Suddenly one of our crafters,generator and baseblock got taken by the HWS faction. We didnt think much of it because there werent too much stuff in that one, but when we logged on today 06.02.17 14.00 (GMT+1) our second crafter with all our stuff has just disappeared. This crafter was built before the warnings about not building anymore on the pirate starter.

Player: crocpot
Faction: El.jalapeninos
Server: EU PVP
Starter: Pirate
Building ID: 18782799 (that got deleted)

Anything under 10 blocks will automatically be deleted in 7 hours if it isn’t physically touched. It also needs to be named something other than the default.

This info is in the server info before you join(info panel on right side after clicking on server name), along with the guides/website. You should always check these before joining any multiplayer game.

If this isn’t the case then you will need an admin to help.

If you haven’t already done so, read everything. Welcome to HWS.

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