Cross server

If i do a cross server warp, do i lose all my inventory in my cargo box?

No you shouldnt lose anything. I recently completed a CSW and had 2 small issues. I lost power and couldnt turn it back on (required a relog). Then I warped out not realising my SV had undocked - had to go back for that.

Only outstanding concern for me is if my donator package comes with me.

Hope that helps.

If i do a cross server warp, do i lose all my inventory in my cargo box?

@bigdan99 make sure to understand how the forum policy is.

You posted this already and you got your answer. Don’t double post stuff.

If you have the HWS Donator package it is for both servers individually.
Every HWS server which is connected via Cross Server Warp has this feature…

apparently i’ve used 3/10 (which is true) but i’ve -3 remaining so cant use anymore. Maybe thats to do with the amount of hours i’ve put in on EU server specifically? (very little compared to NA)