CSW dropped me in proton station Bare!

======= NOTICE FOR HELP =======

What happened:
=> CSW from EU TO NA dropped me in Proto station. No ship. no gear

Player(s) with issue:
=> Woody

=> NA

Time (cb:time):
=> 4/17/20

=> Proto Station

Structure Name(s):
=> MM5E

Structure ID(s):

How can we help you now:
=> transport me back to ECC. small ship dosent need to be replaced. but my gear should be replaced . Epic shotgun, Epic laser Rifle and epic dril, And Epic sniper rifle. 1245 round of Shotgun. 624 rounds of Rail gun ammo. 5494 rounds of Laser. 1472 projectile, 3500 units of pentaxid and other small stuff im not worried about


warped you to your ship in CSW, see here:

But about your stuff. well you forgot to mention that you died in EU before you did csw (2 hours) and lost there all your stuff. You did csw without anything. So I can’t restore anything. sorry. Did I miss something?


      HWS Owner

    April 17


warped you to your ship in CSW, see here:

[This happened. Again!](https://forum.empyrion-homeworld.net/t/this-happened-again/23269/2) [Support](https://forum.empyrion-homeworld.net/c/hws-get-support/support)

Hey, sorry, I guess the CSW Playfield crashed yesterday. Many had that problem. I warped you back. Your ship seems to be in CSW Orbit.

But about your stuff. well you forgot to mention that you died in EU before you did csw (2 hours) and lost there all your stuff. You did csw without anything. So I can’t restore anything. sorry. Did I miss something?

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Don’t worry about it I’m already replaced everything I’ll Remember to go through csw without anything I don’t wanna lose

as said… you had nothing according to the game when you did csw…would be a crazy bug if it was wrong for two hours… :frowning:

This is what I went by as I picked up my bag and csw. No biggie like I said I have replaced it. Still doesn’t explain why I ended up in proto and wasted time trying to get back to ECC had to get picked up and hauled back. Thank you for looking into it for me.

Like Jascha quoted on top of the page:

Any chance you can pull it back to ecc space? Weird it wasn’t even showing up on structure manager yesterday. Thank you again. Sorry for Being a pain in the a$$

Didn’t Jascha already do that?

Didn’t see that email until now I’ll login later and let you know. Thank you

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