CV destroyed at ECC orbit HQ

I think what happened here was that three drones killed CaptFlam’s ship in ECC Sector.

Ignore this part. I think I misunderstood “I don’t understand then why the ship would have been cut in half while it was off”, and from how I understand it now it was destroyed in half, and not cut in half (solar panel bug).

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Good evening, yes that is exactly it.

Do you have a screenshot of that situation or video?
Technically there should not spawn or fly any NPC drone around. Forbidden in the playfield.yaml. So I would need a kind of feedback if it’s a bug.

Even after I tried to restore your ship, I got nothing, no ship available.
@Jascha do you can restore 1859376 ?

I have a guess why.
Solar panels were completely removed from Reforged Eden scenario? This would cause issues when trying to spawn structures, correct?
I had the same issue a few days ago, and I think solar panels are the cause.

Hello Rexxus, unfortunately I don’t have a photo or video, the panic to see all my resources stolen in space got the better of me, there is just the testimony of my teammate who came to help me, and who saw the 3 zirax drones shot down by another CV in orbit from ECC. I understand your reluctance, based solely on unproven testimony, thank you for spending your time to allow us to play on a good server.

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Hello everybody,

other players have been attacked at ECC, just ask on the global chat, hoping that they are connected.

Thanks for the alien heart!

There were no solar panels on my CV

Do any of the missions spawn drones at the player?
Any of the missions themselves trigger a reinforcement call?

If so that may be how it is happening.
I know we’ve had similar issues with certain missions in the past.
Worth a look

Sadly not restorable, since its not in the backup

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