I applied for my daily loot and did the vote whilst at work today but cb:startjobs won’t seem to work now to allow me to retrieve the stuff - don’t know if anyone can help?
Hello @CydFall
please don’t delete the template you got before.
I would need your ingame name and on what server you are playing…
Hi my ingame name is Cyd and I’m on the EU 8.0 server sorry
Hmm, I can’t see the problem for now
Your vote got applied. Maybe it was too low but keep doing it and you can get over 400 RP and 3 million credits
woops sorry my bad but I deffo didn’t get the daily loot as far as i’m aware as I haven’t been able to collect the autominer
Hmm, the log said you got it but I think you forgot about the stack stuff.
Please only stack one reward, claim it and then the next one.
In this case the last one (Your SKill Tree) overwrote the Daily Loot it looks like.
Gave you the daily loot for now
No i’d definitely not stacked it as far as i’m aware but thankyou anyway x
Hmm, strange. Will check next time
If it’s any help I’ve also just lost 6350 promethium whilst collecting from the AM in ECC, I’m off to a lucky start me lol xD
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