Donation: Keep 70m Credits after full wipe (Call me inflation)

I feel you could do something like this with what Rexxus did a couple of season ago; in which zascosium and erestrum were wiped, you guys could wipe certain materials per season in a role-play kind of way (just maybe have it in advance)

e.g “Advance scans show that this Galaxy will end in a violent supernova which will detonate all promethium and sources of fuel and hydrogen in your OCD! Make sure to use it all before the supernova.”

“This Galaxy will implode with a white dwarf star; crushing all advanced components in your OCDs, (constructors, generators, alloys) make sure to use them all this season before the end of the Galaxy!”

On another note i think it would be negative to wipe OCD in some sort of blanket manner when some are richer than others and when so many folks i know have gold ingots in their ocd whilst working towards OCD 7, maybe make it so that once you have OCD 7 you can no longer store gold ingots instead or somehow find another way of acrruing and maintaining wealth in order for OCD 7 instead of the nuclear option :slight_smile: !

Best regards

OCD Tax :smiling_imp:

Don’t let DeeExpus see that XD

Calm down Satan

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Yeah, nothing should get wiped unless its something that is no longer gonna be accessible at all such as the old generators.

Comments like these fail to understand that there are more players in their first or second season who have worked long and hard to get OCD 6 to store gold for the first time. We did start at the bottom while others had it all. We fought garage ships in homemade SVs, and outnumbered as well. To have it all taken away in our first season would be beyond unfair. You can always train new players, give stuff away, or grow a pair and throw garage ships at GG until you are out of resources. But whining on the forums about having too much will hardly endear you to all of us new players out there struggling every day.

How is RexXxuS supposed to screw over all of us who are saving up for OCD 6 to store gold so next season we may actually get to bank level 5 for the first time and have even more reason to donate to HWS?


If he is to wipe out gold in the OCD, might as well go the nuclear route; complete wipe off everything. OCD level 1, OAM level 1, complete wipe of contents of both. I’m talking a complete player reset, like you just joined for the first time.

Either do it all, or none IMO. Either way is going to be a backlash. And if you go all, reset the bans and give them another chance at the fresh start (I know putting past grievances aside will have some major doubters, but there should be some second chances, take Ranzeth for example, everybody hated him, now just half of everybody hates him. Progress!!).

Or just wipe all the players who never play but have full banks and OCDs.

I look at it this way;

When I wipe my ass, I’m not selective where and what to wipe. Unless that toilet paper is white, I keep wiping. Why? Well if it’s not deuce free, then why bother with wiping in the first place.

No intention to whine. I’m just explaining how I’ve gone full circle. Sure you are struggling now as every new player does. In a few seasons time you might well be in the same boat I was and have it all…and then maybe you are one of the rare guys who sticks around or like the majority of players I’ve seen come and go, you will move on when the shine goes.

This isn’t an online game like ESO where it’s a continuous development and has layers of role play, story or unlockables to obtain. As and when you have it all if you still get the same enjoyment out of it… Throwing ships into GG without consideration to loss… Not even remembering what survival even means. Then fair play.

Maybe in the future Rex might consider a HWS extreme server. All the best HWS features but no OCD, no OAM and all pvp.

A man can dream. I’ll crawl back into my cave now :wink:

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My apologies on making this an issue at all, the original question was about the donations, specifically the 70 mil credits.

I obviously think of the OCD different than many people that have already become accustomed to the current implementation. I was thinking of it as a system that wasn’t currently set in stone since the game is in an Alpha state and is going to undergo severe changes along the way. Even the server, with it’s own config, is going to change quite a bit each time Eleon updates their game.

That being said I felt like the OCD promises made by the HWS team was in regards to the fact that the OCD system will persist throughout all the different builds of the game. In order to balance the amount of headstart you can achieve through the OCD I figured the relative size and capacity was subject to change.

It’s not much of a head start honestly. For myself, I rarely pull stuff out of ocd; far more goes in than I remove. Why? Because I have a hoarding problem. The majority of stuff I use I get per season; the only exception is when I want to spawn my crack house at the beginning of the season to get the ball rolling on gathering resources for the season. From there it is all processed into moar crap I stuff in my OCD. Until my OCD is filled with gold bars just because I can, I won’t quit.


I…I never thought i had anything in common with Taco…“tears up”


Haha I couldn’t help but remember this being me. In real life I’m the complete opposite of a hoarder and I am always ‘consolidating’ which to me means selling everything and throwing away 75% of my possessions so that they don’t ‘weigh me down’ incase I ever need to bail… You know run away from real life and move to a remote island. It could happen!!!

In HWS it is bizzare because I was uncharacteristic…i mean in skyrim I never even looted 90% of the time but in EGS on HWS i had to store everything.

Even now I check my OCD after not playing for so long and I have like thousands of medi kits, rations and T2 generators I have like 5000.

How often did I ever draw from the pool… Once in a blue moon.

This is what I meant about forgetting how to survive in a survival game.

Oh I lost a ship, let me spawn a few T2 and go into my 500,000 iron ingots. 2 seconds later… Ding ship ready.

My character is a westernised prick who had more then he could ever need or use… But still it was never enough!

Oh my desire to have moar things carries on to other games…

Skyrim, all the fallout series, I’ll grab everything, no let me rephrase, EVERYTHING and haul it back, even if it’s a 20-30 minute walk back. On Fallout, when I feel I have a big enough stash, I’ll dump it all in a pile making sure none of it is stacked, all singles. Then I’ll shoot a fat man into the pile and wait a few minutes for my computer to render where the hell it all went, and shoot it again.

Too damn funny not to do.

Happens all the time in DayZ, hoarding lotta loot, find some, make friends, kill them, return loot, repeat.

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I like the current system, but I feel that ocd 7 as a long term aim is still a little bit too expensive It takes soo long that players will become board, before ever achieving this ultimate objective.

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Don’t worry, he’s opened the flood doors to people hacking your OCD/Bank, which will enable one clan or faction, to totally wipe another one player at a time. Want to talk about greedy? This empowers the natural greed of the human race, especially in PVP related games which by default attract a more greedy player who seeks out self-gratification through exploiting and abusing others.

Evidence? See the many post boasting about destroying other players, specifically noob players.

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This mentality right here is the reason why we won’t see any progress or new ideas on the server ever again. The OCD came about as a new idea, same with the OAM and EB. The guy links one image and then mentions that there will be limitations and instead of embracing a new option everyone loses their mind and attacks the guy for coming up with something different.

There are ways to limit the impact and still make the implementation of something such as hacking a worthwhile endeavor for those that want to take that route.

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Not when it hits things people spent real money to work toward. It pisses many people off, especially older players who in the initial stages of HWS, spent money in support of the servers.

Hack our bases? Sure, hack our ships? Sure, but hacking the OCD and Banks, no, absolutely not.