Donation Pack


I may have received the wrong donation package, my blueprint/resource packages refreshed but I put in for the keep 5 million credits after a wipe. Thank you in advance, for looking into it.

Any donation package refreshes your DO packages. :). It’s a thank you from the team.

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If you think your missing the 5m protection, just check HWS connect on player stats and make sure 5M protection is TRUE.

Just checked it as of 1/31/17 1858 Pacific Standard time. Didn’t know about the refresh of the pacakges, what a bummer. I had only used 1 :sob:

Hang tight. They’ll fix it. No risk of an eminent wipe so you’re OK. But yeah, maximize those DO packages before you donate next time and you’ll feel fulfilled. :slight_smile:

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Well officially we dont do that when you donate for something else then the “donator package”… :wink:

Well not any packages otherwise we would have thousands of discord channels :wink:

The hws donator package is automatically included in the donator Planet and custom donation over 17 Euro.

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Yeah, it’s cool that it’s an additional perk to getting some of the other packages.In the beginning I didn’t realize the cost of things, otherwise I would have went with the 5 million credits from the start instead of starting with the 500k and then doing the 5 million.

think of it this way, with your extra $5 you supported 0.85% of one month of HWS services. Or maybe 1.7% of one month of the individual server you play on. :slight_smile: (approx 12 hours).

  • Hops

True and I don’t mind. Still waiting for that 5m False to say True though. Lol

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:open_mouth: sorry for the wait mate. Thought I did it already. Thanks for the ping.
All good now :slight_smile: (web is updating in the next 15 minutes)

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