Donation package not increasing

I bought the HWS donation package that says "Becoming a HWS donator means you get following benefits:

2 donator commands depended on your playtime (type do:info for more information):
do:bp -> Every 10 hours playtime it let’s you spawn any structure instant. All you have to do is fill up your factory and type do:bp
do:re -> Every 10 hours it playtime it gives you following package after a relog in your inventory"

I used one package of my 10 inital packages and it is not adding after 10 hours of playtime i have 26 hours ingame since i used one of the supply packages and its not adding after 10 hours.

what do i need to do to get the added packages after 10 hours?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:


if you arer MDK Sanctioner then I see you have player 124 hours, so 10 max. packages already.
Or did I miss something?


yes thats is me and here is a copy of my stats from hws site
MDK=- Sanctioner MDK Lawless / No-Faction 187 124 10 9

The “9” is the number of resource packages, its been 9 since i had 97 hours i though it would increase to 10 by now seeing as i started with 10 and its been 26 hours since i used the one package.

maybe i dont understand, i though we get one package every 10 hours of playtime so i should have 10 not 9 ?

Thanks for responding :slight_smile:

Ah. Well like you see in HWS Connect and with the “do:info” command it means your available packages.

You used one package already so you had 10, but now 9:

We round up a bit, so it triggers from 6-16, 16-26, and so on.

Thanks again for your support! :slight_smile:
