Donation Path Forward (Planets/Systems)

My IMHo about donate planets. We do not see that on PvP worlds armada of donaters ships from which hides all living things.

So let these planets will be at least 100, the server will earn money, and we do not care.

If a person has a lot of resources - this does not make him the father of PVP, and does not give any advantage

and Thranir whining just because he can not do anything

I have some concerns about donator planets basically being “pay-to-win” areas of uncontested ore drops and lag-free parking space. Sure factions needs to pay taxes on this, but my concern lies with having the PvE spaces which can have whatever setup the owner wishes. Is there any restrictions as to how this is setup?

Edit, nvm. Mostly covered above. How to deal with spawn camping in this area though?

What do you mean by “spawn camping”?

  • These planets are (all?) PVE, so no PVP spawn camping there.
  • When POI’s are raided they are gone, no second chances. Sure you can (try to) leave some mob spawners alive and kill the aliens over and over, but it’s hardly worth it and sooner or later they will be killed by someone else.

We learned this the the hard way, when “someone” abused the long time delays of warning messages to raid all POI’s on our planet (There’s still a SWP CV-ship left rotting on our planet …).
Someone else mined out 4 mines before we even put autominers on them. Rex was kind enough to do a surface wipe, which brought back the mines … but the POI’s we’re still killed and looted, we never had a chance to raid a single POI.

Still, this matters less since we mainly bought a donor planet to support the server. Getting a place to chill and farm O2 and fiber was a small bonus, but it’s not our main base and we don’t live there.