Hello everyone! I am hoping the community can help me with an updated answer to my question, how can I get EAH to run Autominers on a rented GTX Gaming server? I know I have to run EAH as a Master but I am not sure how to do so on a remote rented server.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is the last remaining this for me to do. EAH is also installed on the server.
Hey, @Elder_Drake.
Your best option is probably to search here: Search results for 'Autominer #emp-admin-helper order:latest' - Forum HWS | Empyrion Multiplayer Homeworld Server
There’s unfortunately not super much support to come for, for EAH, anymore, since Jascha is gone.
Thank you for the reply and I just heard on Discord. RIP Jascha, your legacy carries on.
I will update my post if/when I find a solution.