EAH latest versions & patchnotes

Latest Full version

for dedicated machines

Latest Lite version

for shared hosters like Nitrado etc.

tip: latest Emp Playfield Generator version and changelog


Patch notes - 1.31.0

Added: Alpha 5.1 ready
Added: Player: Playtime since wipe
Added: Devlogs: More logs and statistics
Added: CB:SaveTool --> For Admins to save the tooldata (incase there is an error)
Added: AntiCheat: No Orange/Red due to Items anymore
Added: AntiCheat: Adapted Blueprint Cheat-Warning
Added: Reset Deposit/POI in different timetabel with automatic restart and backup
Added: Player: Change Private ID (Only for bug situations!)
Added: Structures: first 3 columns frozen
Added: Structures: Owner: Public/Decored
Added: Structure Logs: Decored/SetPublic/Created
Added: Structure Log: Coordinates
Added: Config: Keep Backup/Statistics for x Days
Added: Player: Itemtemplate with Mod allows reset of Inventory
Added: New Mod functions: Finish BP / Change Playfield
Added: Playfieldlog: Show Load/Unload Playfield
Added: POI rest delets drone.dat
Fixed: Toggle PVPVE
Fixed: Structure Limit Control Messages shown to everyone
Fixed: Structures: Creator
Fixed: Structure Pole Warp
Fixed: Reset Deposits/POI

Patch notes - 1.31.1

Added: Family Share Infiltration Check (See Functions-Stats->Fam-Share-Stats)
Added: Timetable: Reset Asteorides
Added: Automatic Public-Ship-Bug Protector (Against the bug that sets a lot of ships to public)
Added: Mod: Set Blueprint ressources (No kick needed anymore)
Added: Structure Log: SetToLastOwner (Easy way to set ships back)
Added: Message: new logs were send form clients
Added: More Logs
Added: Config update
Added: More settings
Fixed: Autominer not giving ores
Fixed: Activity Log saved too much
Fixed: Structure Log Last Warp saved
Fixed: Edit Player Origin Id
Fixed: AM Blue Crystal to Pentaxid

Patch notes - 1.32.0

Added: Latest Errors: Show colors
Added: Config: Show colors if path and fiels are correct or not
Added: Chat: Highlight Button (to send strong message to player/all)
Added: Chat to Player: Allways put @Player infront
Added: Coordinate Logs: Factin and Entity Type
Added: Many Tables to Database
Added: No more Service Needed (Please delete the EXE and do not start it anymore)
Added: Ready for Alpha 5.2
Added: New Items (Icons still missing)
Fixed: Set Blueprint Bug
Fixed: Playfield-Statistics to minutes
Fixed: Impersonate

Note: Starting the tool after the update might take some time (minutes). That is all ok, dont kill the process. Starting after that will be a bit slower then withthe old version, but therefore the tool is much faster.

Plesae change in config the “Entity Check” to 500 for best performance.

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#Patch notes - 1.32.1

Added: Config: Time between heavy Chatbots
Added: Data: More Tables moved
Added: Config Logoutput
Added: Wipe whole ground did delete structures
Added: Playfieldlist: ChatTo function
Added: Config: Mod Connection allways on (not slave or ftp)
Added: Config: AutoWarpOnRestart setting
Fixed: StructurePublicBug did not KickIn
Fixed: Player: Playhours since wipe not saved

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Patch notes - 1.32.2

Added: 5.3 ready - you have to update to be able to use the tool!

= more to come later =

Patch notes - 1.33

Hey everyone,

we like to announce a very big patch in terms of features and improvements. You have now a very easy and better control over your dedicated.yaml file within the tool and can manage a lot more data there.

Also the player and structure overview got boosted alot so you don’t have to open multiple windows to keep track of certain situations. Just activate it with the “Details” checkbox at the bottom left.

Last but not least in the full version you have now almost control of everything. You can control your server how you wish!
See the screenshots and the patchlog for more details.

Hope you like it and thanks for reading!

  • Added: Configure the Dedicated.yaml in tool
  • Added: Config: Bug Fix Tab
  • Added: Config: Failed Pole Warp Destruction.(Destroys ships that cant be warped out of pole after x times)
  • Added: Function: Failed Pole Warp Destruction
  • Added: Latest Warnings: Highlight extreme Messages (Ships set to public bug, etc…)
  • Added: Latest Warnings: Show all not read warnings
  • Added: Chatbot log (see what chatbot functions the player used)
  • Added: Player: Player logs (see all logs from the player)
  • Added: Player: Detail row (See all details and Playfieldlog and Player activity)
  • Added: Player: Increased list performance
  • Added: Structure: Detail row (see Coordinate and Structure Logs with their functions)
  • Added: Structure: Days since touched
  • Added: Structure: Pole Warp tries
  • Added: Playfield: Removed Max Block/Devices
  • Added: Playfield: Add Max Classes for BA/CV/SV/HV
  • Added: Playfield: Seperated Max Base overall PVE/PVP in Player and Faction
  • Added: Playfield: Add Max SV/HV
  • Added: Playfield: Total Classes/Lights/Triangles
  • Added: Structure Limit Faction Protection: Protects also Private Player Structures
  • Added: CSW: Now possible in same network without FTP
  • Added: New Item Icons
  • Fixed: Default Game Name
  • Fixed: Lite: Message on Startup

To get the EAH tool just visit the website: https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download
There you can download + see the patch notes + ask for help + read the documentation
Tip: if you need help with the tool or have a suggestion please do this via the forum.

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Patch notes - 1.34

Hey everyone,

another big update is coming for you! It is just the beginning of something very huge gameplay wise in the future. Let me teaser some a bit:

#Clone Structures

As you see - you can clone whatever structure you want with just a mouse click. Just open Structures > Right Click > Clone.
This can speed up a type of an event maybe.

#CSW 2.0

Cross Server Warp (CSW) got a huge rework! It is now what it should be: easy, secure and fast. You can even set it up as Warp Gates within your universe (incase you don’t want to use the sectors.yaml wormhole way).

Only condition now is to have the structure you wanna warp with set to faction. Private or Public does not work. Other than that it tells you what it needs.

#Structure Template

You just got used to Inventory Templates? Giving people on the fly item package X or Y? Well now you can extend this even to ships / structures in general. Grab the structures’ .area files, place it in the folder and with a right click it’s there.

And at lot more things you can read below.

Hope you like it and as always we listen to feedback!

Patch Notes Emp Admin Helper

Added: Pole Control: Offline Player on login <-- Those who could not login due to extreme coordinates
Added: Config: Tell Playfields of POI/Deposti/… resets or not
Added: CSW Update: Faster, Better, More Secure
Added: Player Structures: Show allways Owner Typ
Added: Timetable: Dellete all Players on Playfield (Carefull!) <-- requested by [USER=14511]@joemorin73[/USER]
Added: Timetable: 3 minutes
Added: cb:destroy:id <-- Only Admins of a faction can destroy their own ships. Loged in Chatbot log
Added: Dedicated:KickPlayerWithPing
Added: Dedicated: Dificulty None
Added: Structure: Set to Admin Faction <-- Faction in Config used for Structure Limit Control
Added: Structure: Columns changed
Added: Structure: Clone structure <-- Clones the selected Structure and creates it close by
Added: Structure: Create Ship From Folder <-- Create a structure from a Area-Folder :slight_smile:

To get the EAH tool just visit the website: https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download
There you can download + see the patch notes + ask for help + read the documentation
Tip: if you need help with the tool or have a suggestion please do this via the forum.

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Patch notes - 1.35

Hey everyone,

ready for 6.0 @Jascha worked very hard on EAH and implemented really great features / improvements / fixes.
The focus as he said is mainly the client / server progress. The first step is done in giving the Slave tool a lot more connections to the master tool and ease the work with it.

Other than that especially the AM, CSW and timetable could boost the fun of your players if used properly.

At least it gives you a very good foundation for all the cool features you have to take care of in 6.0 for your players.

Thanks for all of your feedback.

Patch Notes Emp Admin Helper

  • Added: Master/Slave update. Slave has much more power and uses API and shared DB with Master
  • Added: Player: Set Experience (over API)
  • Added: Timetable: Start Job manually
  • Added: Timetable: Toogle Allow/Deny. Parameter: Playfields seperated by #
  • Added: AM:Fuel:All --> Takes all fuel from Player inventory
  • Added: Player Statistics: To Slow. Now button to load extra statistics later
  • Added: Translation: Ownly on tooltip-Show
  • Added: Structure: Touch: All selected
  • Added: Playfields: To slow: Now button to load extra statistics later
  • Added: Better Threading and complete overhaul of tool core
  • Added: New Databas Tables
  • Added: Timetable: Stop/Restart/Wipe/Backup --> Use Parameter 2 to execute shell after Server stopped and wait for end of it (max 5 min)
  • Added: Offlinejob: Automatic functions to set faction, warp,… when he gets online (also for structures).
  • Added: Less modal windows
  • Added: Performance boost (still some coming)
  • Added: Alpha 6.0 first preperations
  • Fixed: CSW Update: Shold work very well now
  • Fixed: Player Details: Faction rights wrong
  • Fixed: Emergency Warp on login
  • Fixed: Player Logs: Missing faction warnings
  • Fixed: Backup DB of Tool

To get the EAH tool just visit the website: https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/download
There you can download + see the patch notes + ask for help + read the documentation
Tip: if you need help with the tool or have a suggestion please do this via the forum.

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