HI Guys, we´ve a new Empyrion Server (Atlantis Next RE Mod), and looking forward to use EAH, on our FTP Server theres already a Folder with EmpyrionAdminHelper data (even if nitrado told us they wont support us with help on that, and weve not installed it on our server/ftp). The Main Problem is i use EAH Full (on my personal Desktop), but with the info we got from Nitrado theres always an conenction Error (Thers no Telnet IP, weve just an FTP IP and credentials, + Telnet Password).
We’re glad if you could help us, because ive already dumped hours into it, thanks in advance.
if you need any kind of Info or Screenshots just tell me
All the best,
Unfortunately I don’t think there’s much help to come for here without Jascha. I think your best option is to search for “Nitrado” here in the forum, and see if any of the solves issues are similar to yours.
I see 29 different topics. I’d be surprised if none of them were close to your issue.
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Thanks a lot for your answer, ive already read a lot of them, but ill try to read them all again.
Hi again, so i got the lite Tool working on my Desktop, but theres still a problem with the Full Tool, could anyone help me to get the Toll on our Dedicated server running (theres already an EAH Folder on our Nitrado FTP).
Thanks in Advance
Unfortunately, the situation is the same. Without Jascha, there’s not much help to come for. But from what I’ve heard, Nitrado is very unhappy for EAH; there will be problems in many cases.
Your best help is probably to look through the link I sent in my last messages again.
Thank you, the main problem is, ive used the lite Version and it updated something, the main problem is, i really dont understand how i’am able to start the EAH Tool on our dedicated server And whats the Sync IP and Port (for Slave use on my desktop)