WOW! 2 Great looking bunkers, well played both!
Can you post the epb files so we can look at them in creative? No bunkers on GG is a great decision…
I need the permission for that from @A.F.T @Fulgrim @zappe21 @Elfias
Then I can share the .epb files in HWS Connect in my planned “HWS Library” to download.
(I’m not a fan of the anonymous stalker we have here in the forum)
Well Fulgrim did all the finishing and many other things so hes needed too, but i would say let ppl see whats inside to decide.
Or we can send much more pictures or make video tour.
I say upload it and show, none wants to buy rabit in the bag.
Lol i read AFT…so what about showing main features, space in hangar etc, simply enough details, number of devices…and leave rest for 7.5. Our bunker is more open with option to return fire, thats new feature, should be sold out.
And i need to mention @Igniter help, hes the one who forced us to make taller foundation to make spawning of bunker easier.
Ups i fill the all topic…Idk now make it clickable. Sorry.
Yeah. But my have full automated system! No need to feed a crowd of dolls with guns
p.s. Dont forget call a painters team (Foreman - Elfias, Painter - Fulgrum Plasterer’s - Zappe21 Igniter) after purchase. You need make some cosmetic repairs.
@BoldChicken ckicken u forgot eu lol
Nice job Elfias. I just finished placing all components (had to rework a bit as i went over class 10.
We’ll make a new presentation of the final version once i’m done painting it tomorrow morning.
is it not of your creations ?
lol … I wish. You seem to be sticking your head up above the parapet a little these days, you coming back to play nice?
not now, im training now 2 million people for new things …
and on hws, im waiting yellow submarines and new bank schemes with bitcoins …
Of course you are!
I can make you a yellow submarine, and forget about all that Bitcoin Banking stuff … it would appear PVP is going to be alive and well in 7.X - just for you
He is sticking his head up above the parapet for sure. Hes curious Dee.
Keep the Election topic clean guys
A little to make waiting easier. I didnt like to be locked inside, I wasnt able to see whats going on. I had claustrophoby. This one is more open and allows you to return fire. And that might be fun.
Just keep doors shut.
A bit from inside
Storage Room - Spawn your Cargo Vessel inside!
Medicals, Scanners, Fridge…and TV
Constructors with parking, accesible from lower floor
Engineering Room from Constructor room (5x3 Doors)
Shooting Galery (Ventilated)
HV entrance (notice small windows on both sides, return fire from there)
Observatory/Control Room
Trenches and Elfias
How is payment taken? Before or after wipe?
The guy who posted in the elejction topic has hopefully the 25m credits, so if chosen I will take the money from him and set the Bunker - after the wipe (for now).
With more and more interest I will think about couple of other ways. Like to get one as an event reward or via auction or or
4 bunkers, a few extra player cores with each, POIs and the nature of the playfield - do you expect the performance to take a hit on Homeworld?
man these bunkers are fucking epic rex! dude wtf, its like the designers just smoked a shit ton of crack and spontaneously got super creative! I love these designs. However… no GG, im not interested in bunkers personally, so… ill have to find something else to spend my money on this season…