So I just stumbled on this issue, getting unusable blocks from recycle.
Not sure how far you went solving this, but I wrote some quick and ugly python code to scan conf file for root parents and references (reference points to a reference root which points to a Template root, so in the end all reference ids should converge to Template root of reference root. eg. Window_crsd1x1 /815 has reference root Window_v1x1 /770 which has template root WindowSmallBlocks 836, so everything should be converted to WindowSmallBlocks 836).
So I upload the code and the result file (text generated by python, contains root tree, reference tree and ids)
First record on each line in root tree or reference tree is the parent , the rest are the children. (7.6 KB)
PS: I did not generate any conversion table, code and results need to be investigated first by someone which posses more knowledge of Empyrion than me.
I also suspect only blocks which have a Template root parameter or which refer to a block with Template root parameter needs to be converted.
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