Empyrion ~ 4.0 | Auto Miner

Hey all,

A bit more info quote from Hummel on offical topic :slight_smile:

" Just for a quick note/clarification:

As it stands NOW (what means details or elements may be still subject to change):

  • The Autominer aka “Automated Mining Device” (AMiD) will be an actual
    placeable device, not a “remote window” like the Marketplace. You need
    to craft it and you need to power it and you may need to defend it in
    more insecure environments…

  • The Autominer is not geared towards making mining a click-and-go, but
    to relieve you from the neccessity to step down in a hole and hold your
    hand drill. It is a quality-of-life device addition.

  • The Autominer will NOT be accessible from the get go, but maybe at level 12 or even 20.

We are still into nailing down the details, so i hope to get you some more infos in the coming weeks.

As an important final note: the AMiD is only ONE first addition to a set
of alternatives that will be added to the global topic of “mining” in
the near future :wink: "