Empyrion Patch | Alpha 9.2 | Build 2162

Hey @everyone,
we updated to 9.2. Quick restart again to apply the newest HWS Config (forgot the first time).

Read all changes here:


  • the new Talon POIs / Talon Crossbow guys are partially implemented. For brand new POIs / NPC we would have to wipe - we don’t do that.
  • Same goes with the other new stuff like HUD marker and Filler Blocks
  • Sooner or later the Volume System will be also activated on HWS. Please check the current values of Volume and how much you can carry and if it’s “ok”.
    I integrated also a new little “feature” that Alien Containers have a different system.
    The yellow AC = 10 volume + 10000 volume capacity
    The other AC = 70 volume + 70000 volume capacity
    => regular container only have 16000 volume capacity. That way, if someone don’t care about our HWS Reputation Points, can still make good use of the Alien Containers :slight_smile:

Beside that we are currently working on the Patreon Celebration Event and more Events like more FPS and SV Deathmatch events.

Your HWS Team

Hey Rex,

Already many people in my group have been complaining about the possible upcoming volume system, is there anyway to keep this system out?

Sooner or later includes every feedback, every complain and every thought into this system.
Not now of course.

While we probably could let it turned off forever, it is not my intention to do that.

Once the system is very good implemented, for example if I can add Volume Capacity to Boosters and Armors to increase the player volume, it is a direction I definitely want to go.

It’s not only in favor of “Survival” but also to create new interesting gameplay regarding different ship roles (Fighter vs Transporter) etc.

While I don’t want that immersion gets in the way of fun, I also don’t want an unrealistic game only in favor of some “creative game” philosophy some players desire.
And while fun is a very subjective topic, in the end it’s something everyone can adapt to, I’m sure.
Especially if I have control over all these values to make it “good” - with the help of the Community.


a i dont like the id of the volume system or it sould be vary hi if there has to be one

I think a lot of ppl could not play the game just cuz of it and I dont want that to happen

I think I understand better now, realism is good in many ways, hopefully the changes wont be to drastic that it effects gameplay on a bigger level. We have high hopes that you can make it happen.

Again thank you for all you have done and what you will do down the road

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Yes and again: HWS has full control of every number you see there.
I made a first little test with Alien Containers now.

Still, in the end there will be changes of course and obviously humans don’t like changes :slight_smile:
But the ability to have a Class 7 Base in your backpack is just something people have to forget in the future.
Or well, maybe not if we change some Boosters to super ultra rare Boosters with 1 million Volume Capacity - worth the trade for sure :smiley:

We will see


The problem is I play a game because I can do unreal stuff, if I wanted real I would go play real life. This whole ‘‘its unrealistic that ships can do this’’ and ‘’ its unrealistic the sound that that dino is making so lets make sure it sounds real’’ bs is making this game ridiculous.
But complaining here isn’t doing any good due to the fact rex isn’t eleon, we have to swamp their forums all the time every update for them to listen and even then…they are slowly saying goodbye to every pvp aspect of the game because they think pve is where its at due to the fact that not enough pvpers did their stupid survey.


I hope it works well and if can’t be edited to a reasonable level I hope its turned off until it works correctly.

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Snowman is rite on all points well put Snowman !

Also need a solution for stuff like supply, ocd and all… will be allot of people that wont remember to stay "commected " to a container

I don’t like where they are heading in my opinion. If they really want to make it worse then we can add cranes and hooks to our SV/cv and cannot carry around 1 wooden block without needing Ripley’s construction suit in Alien. Sure it’s to deter a pocket base, but always needing connected to a container is just getting annoying.


Hi Rex,
Could someone from the HWS team fix a lot of public constructors to have input/output cargo in it?Currently most of them are unusable after the A9 update.

Or maybe, could you be waiting until the new system stable and consistent? :smiley:


it is hopefully fixed in the upcoming patch:

The problem with the “wait to patch” philosophy is that it’s overall wrong imo. There must be always someone who is brave enough to go through these problems because only then they get reported and fixed.
If everyone waits for the “stable” patch, it will never get stable, because it only gets stable with player / servers reporting issues.
Eleon is too small that they (QA) can find every possible issue.
Not to mention that Alpha means it is never stable…

Since 3 years I see HWS as biggest Empyrion Multiplayer server in responsibility to test the limits and details of the game. Be it benchmarks for PvP and PvE, mass structure limit tests or mass log transfer to Eleon.


What I do not like in the weight and volume system, and Eleon did this anyway, they did not pick up the weight average of a container with different types of metals and items we normally use, see this: we have the largest container we has 63 slots, which should have made and pick up 5 different materials and fill 5 containers in their maximum capacity of items and after that calculate the average volumes and weights of the materials and hence apply this as capacity of each container varying according to the size of the container and its slots, if you add 30 current containers do not give the volume of items that the old 63 slots were loaded, except that each container uses a number of cpu to be used, and this feature has not yet been enabled, the which will bring us even more headache in the future …

What’s the use of having 1000-item stacks if you could never have one of them inside any container, and even worse the control container and restricted to only 63 slots, even if you add 300 extension containers, the number of slosts does not change so you have no space in slots even though having an absurd volume, the correct way was for each extension container to be added one more slots of space in the container controller, allowing to add more types of materials which would allow to leverage the volume and capacity of the containers. storage containers …