What happened?
=> Supposedly, I got 18 kills during the event. Won a person with 8 kills.
There is another player who should have won with 11 kills. Won player with 8.
Server? (+ EU or + NA or RE EU or RE NA)
=> EU
When did it happen? (Use server time: type ingame cb:time)
=> 1.20+ 24/12/24
How can we help you now?
=> Ngl, just reporting if it’s broken. I don’t remember killing 18 players.
The more we look into it the more cursed it looks like.
The only kills of mine that counted were against one player, no one else. The same player in logs said that he only killed 6 people there, too. And I am sure I killed Alex at least 2 times.
Alex said that, out of 2 kills, they only got money for one.
That event is disastrous to the normal PVP killboard on HWS connect IMO. Quite a bit different to kill someone in a little FPS instance vs the ship building and learning of the normal gameplay